The Indooroopilly Library features a variety of facilities and services, as well as plenty of activities and events. This library is wheelchair accessible and has community meeting rooms available for hire, including access to a kitchenette. German and Chinese collections are available.
Indooroopilly Library
After hours chute
Meeting room
Wheelchair accessible
- Afrikaans collection
- After hours chute
- Books
- Breastfeeding friendly
- CDs and DVDs
- Chinese collection
- Council information
- Digital resources
- eBooks
- German collection
- Gujarati collection
- Hearing loop
- Indonesian collection
- Information services
- Internet
- Magazines
- Meeting room
- Mobility device recharge station
- Newspapers
- Persian collection
- Photocopier
- Reference services
- Scanner
- Tamil collection
- Wheelchair accessible
- Wi-Fi
Opening hours
- Monday: 9am-6pm
- Tuesday: 9am-8pm
- Wednesday: 9am-6pm
- Thursday: 9am-8pm
- Friday: 9am-6pm
- Saturday: 9am-4pm
- Sunday: 10am-4pm
Closed on public holidays
Meeting rooms
Meeting room 1
- Monday - Sunday
- 12am-11.59pm
Available for use 24 hours per day, seven days a week
- Capacity
- 50 people
- Cost
- Library category two
Show facilities
Meeting room facilities
- CD player
- Chairs
- Data projector
- Electronic whiteboard
- Free Wi-Fi
- Fridge and dishwasher (glasses, cups, saucers and teaspoons provided)
- IPad connectivity (iPad to VGA adaptor cable)
- Kitchenette with chilled or boiling water on tap
- Laptop connectivity to data projector (laptop not provided)
- Lectern
- Macbook connectivity (mini display port to VGA adaptor cable)
- Public access PC connected to data projector (available for library members)
- Sink
- Tables (lockable wheels)
- TV/DVD player
- Wireless microphones
Meeting room accessibility
- Wheelchair accessibility
- Wheelchair accessible toilets
Shopping centre.
Upcoming events
Have you ever listened to a podcast or audiobook, and are curious to know how the technology works? During this session focused on play and experimentation, use...
Get together with other locals to discover the free online resources available with your Brisbane Library membership. This session includes tips on how to read...
Experience the magic of storytime with your child at the library. This interactive session includes stories, songs and mark making activities for young children...