The West End Library features a variety of facilities and services, as well as plenty of activities and events. Greek and Vietnamese collections are also available. Limited wheelchair access available, please phone the library for more information.
- After hours chute
- Books
- Breastfeeding friendly
- CDs and DVDs
- Council information
- Digital resources
- eBooks
- Greek collection
- Information services
- Internet
- Magazines
- Newspapers
- Photocopier
- Reference services
- Samoan collection
- Vietnamese collection
- Wi-Fi
Opening hours
- Monday: 9am-1pm
- Tuesday: 1-5pm
- Wednesday: 10am-5pm
- Thursday: 10am-7pm
- Friday: 10am-5pm
- Saturday: 9am-4pm
- Sunday: closed
Closed on public holidays
On street and limited off street
Upcoming events
Meet other parents and babies for a fun session of singing, clapping and dancing. Learn songs and action rhymes to nurture your baby's pre-literacy...
*This event will be held in Kurilpa Hall. Join us for a morning of fun challenges as you build your own colourful constructions. Ideal for children aged 5-12...
Meet other parents and toddlers for a fun session of singing, clapping and dancing. Learn action rhymes and songs which will help your child’s pre-literacy...