Indooroopilly parks

Find the location of parks in Indooroopilly and information about their facilities.

This table provides information about Council parks in Indooroopilly including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Carinya Street Park27 Tatong StreetBarbecues (wood and electric), basketball half court, picnic area/shelter, playground, shared pathway, water (bubbler/tap) 
Centenary Highway Park (Fig Tree Pocket)160 Fig Tree Pocket Road  
Essex Road Park12 Essex RoadNetball facility, picnic area/shelter, playground, water (bubbler/tap) 
Finney Road Park24 Finney Road 
Foxton Street Park (no. 41A)37 Foxton Street 
Glencairn Avenue Park35 Glencairn AvenueSeating
Handel Street Park78 Handel Street

Riverwalk and seating

Also includes community organisations and facilities for:

  • St Lucia Esplanade Bushcare Group restoration site.
Indooroopilly Ferry Reserve12 Radnor Street 
Jacaranda Place Reserve105 Jacaranda Place 
Jack Speare Park (Indooroopilly Recreation Reserve)108 Fairley StreetCar park, shared pathway (Jack Speare Bikeway), soccer facility (Taringa Rovers), sporting fields, water (bubblers/taps) and seating
Keating Park60 Stamford RoadIndooroopilly Senior Citizens Club, barbecue (electric), picnic area/shelter, playground, war memorial, water (bubbler/drinking fountain)
Kennewell Park648 Moggill RoadPlayground and seating
Mansfield Park (road reserve)1 Gilgandra StreetPlayground (Gilgandra Street), seating, water (bubbler)
Meiers Road Park63 Meiers Road 
Meiers Road Park (road reserve)293 Meiers Road 
Moore Park27 Russell Terrace

Barbecue (electric), basketball half court, car parking, picnic area/shelter, playground, shared pathway, sporting facility (George Watt Oval), toilet, water (bubbler/tap)

Also includes:

  • Moore Park Bushcare Group restoration site
  • Taringa Parade Bushcare Group restoration site.
Rainbow Forest Park 48 Dobell StreetBasketball/netball facility, junior cycle training tracks next to the playground, outdoor fitness/exercise station (Dobell Street), picnic area/shelter, playground (Dobell Street), shared pathway, water (bubbler/tap) 
Rankin Street Park26 Rankin Street 
Sir John Chandler Park 
151 Harts Road

Access from 151 Harts Road: Indooroopilly Golf Club, Bougainvillea Gardens and Thomas Park

Access from 239B Meiers Road: Barbecue (wood), boating facility (boat ramp/pontoon), car park, dog off-leash area (near end of Meiers Road), picnic area/shelter, playground, toilet, water (taps/fountain) 

Taringa Parade Park431 Moggill RoadPicnic area/shelter
Vera Street Park118 Witton Road 
Witton Barracks Park9 Lambert Road

Water (bubbler and tap)

Read about the Witton Barracks Park project.

Witton Road Park (no.209)
Prior to accessing the park, contact the Indooroopilly Canoe Club
209 Witton RoadIndooroopilly Canoe Club
Witton Road Park (no.160-162)160 Witton Road 


Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.