Seventeen Mile Rocks parks

Find the location of parks in Seventeen Mile Rocks and information about their facilities.

This table provides information about Council parks in Seventeen Mile Rocks including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Alphitonia Street Park20 Alphitonia Street  
Delapine Place Park6 Delapine Place Dog off-leash area and seating
Edenbrooke Park (now incorporating the park formerly known as McPherson Road Park)161 Bellwood Street 

Council is installing 3 flagpoles and 2 signs in this park for the Men’s Shed. Work will take place from 17 February to 14 March (weather permitting). The works area will be closed during construction.

Playgrounds (Pampling Street and Barklya Crescent), shared pathway, activity space (Edenbrooke Drive), barbecue (electric), bikeway network, dog off-leash area, picnic area, wetlands

Also includes community organisations and facilities for:

  • Habitat Brisbane Group
  • Edenbrooke Bushcare Group rehabilitation site.
Fremont Street Park6 Delapine PlacePicnic area, playground 
Rocks Riverside Park (Mudlo Bundambah)531 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road

Access and car parking (Counihan Road), barbecue (electric), basketball half court, booking sites, bushland escarpment, Central Plaza, community building & toilet, community garden, Coral Mound, event space (Great Lawn), Industrial Plaza, jumping pillow, Oxley Wharf playground & picnic facilities, multi-use access, picnic area (Great Lawn, Riverbank, Western Lawn), public toilet (waterplay), shared pathway network (River Promenade), shelter, water, water play

The Rocks Riverside Park car park and toilets are open between 6.30am and 7pm every day.

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.