Transport Plan for Brisbane

Having a connected, flexible and sustainable transport network is vital to our city. It helps us commute to work, access vibrant lifestyle and leisure opportunities, do business and visit family and friends.
Brisbane City Council developed the Transport Plan for Brisbane - Strategic Directions (Transport Plan) to guide the evolution of our city's transport network over a 25-year period.
The Transport Plan incorporates feedback received from the community, industry and key stakeholders. Consultation on the draft plan was held from November 2017 to April 2018.
To support the Transport Plan, Council developed an implementation plan. The Transport Plan for Brisbane - Implementation Plan 2018 outlines actions to achieve the outcomes of the transport plan. This includes the role Council plays coordinating these outcomes with other levels of government, transport authorities, industry and community.
Learn more about the plans

Transport plan
Find out more about Brisbane’s transport future and how Council is moving our city forward.

Implementation plan
Learn how Council is achieving the transport plan outcomes and monitoring success.

Walkable Brisbane
Learn how the Walkable Brisbane strategy will help make Brisbane one of the world's most walkable cities.
More information
For more information about the Transport Plan for Brisbane you can:
- phone Council on 07 3403 8888
- write to:
Transport Plan for Brisbane
Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane Qld 4001