Adopted City Plan amendments

Brisbane City Plan 2014 (City Plan) commenced on 30 June 2014 and has since been updated with more than 20 amendments. Each time an amendment is actioned, a new version of City Plan is created and the previous version is superseded.

Find information about adopted amendments in the tables below:

You can also learn more about amendments currently in progress.

Versions 14.00/2019 to current

City Plan versions 14.00/2019 onwards are contained in City Plan online. Find out how to access these versions in the City Plan online user guide. City Plan online mapping can assist you with identifying City Plan mapping requirements. Amendments are summarised below.

Table with information about adopted Brisbane City Plan 2014 amendments.
Current amendment v32.00/2025 - effective 14 March 2025

The amendment included:

  • Inner-City Affordability Initiative - Car parking (adopted 4 March 2025):

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v31.00/2024  – effective 6 December 2024

The amendment included:

  • citywide update - Minor and administrative package T (adopted 29 October 2024):
    • updates to the flood mapping for the Creek/waterway flood planning areas, to reflect recent flood study updates for five creek catchments: Brighton Creek, Kedron Brook, Sandy Creek, Toowong Creek and Witton Creek (for more information, refer to Flood overlay mapping changes - City Plan minor and administrative amendment package T)
    • update relevant parts of the planning scheme to reflect changes to the Planning Regulation 2017 made through the Justice (Decriminalising Sex Work) and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2024 and the Planning and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2024, including defined terms, tables of assessment, development codes and planning scheme policies
    • minor updates to planning scheme policies to ensure their currency in referencing external guidance.

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v30.00/2024  – effective 13 September 2024

The amendment included:

  • citywide update - Amendment package Q - planning scheme policy (adopted 6 August 2024), introduces a new Subtropical building design planning scheme policy to provide further information and guidance to support the subtropical design outcomes for buildings and outdoor spaces
  • citywide update - Minor amendment package R (adopted 6 August 2024) contains changes to zones and overlays for properties purchased through the Queensland Government's Voluntary Home Buy Back program
  • citywide update - Minor and administrative amendment package S (adopted 6 August 2024):
    • maintains the currency and effectiveness of the Infrastructure design planning scheme policy by reflecting the most up-to-date and accurate information in Brisbane Standard Drawings
    • maintains the currency of the planning scheme through changes to the Pre-1911 building overlay map to reflect current development approvals and other changes of a minor nature
    • introduces references to the new Subtropical building design planning scheme policy in relevant development codes.

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v29.00/2023  – effective 8 December 2023

The amendment included:

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v28.00/2023  – effective 1 September 2023


The amendment included:

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v27.00/2023 - effective 2 June 2023

The amendment included:

  • citywide update – Minor and administrative package N (adopted 16 May 2023):
    • reflected updates to the Planning Regulation 2017 made through the Planning (Rooming Accommodation) Amendment Regulation 2022
    • updated the currency of the Infrastructure design planning scheme policy to reflect the most up-to-date and accurate information in Brisbane Standard Drawings
    • made minor updates to the design parameters for rooftop gardens to reflect current industry practice and construction standards
    • improved the effectiveness and useability of the planning scheme by enhancing the format and presentation, undertaking text refinements and making typographical changes.

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v26.00/2023 - effective 10 March 2023

The amendment included:

  • the updated Sandgate District Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan (adopted 29 November 2022)
  • citywide update – Minor and administrative amendment package L (adopted 6 December 2022):
    • changed zones and overlay maps to reflect current development approvals and site-based circumstances
    • reflected changes to the Planning Regulation 2017 made through the Planning (Secondary Dwellings) Amendment Regulation 2022, including to defined terms.
  • citywide update – Minor and administrative amendment package M (adopted 14 February 2023):
    • reflected changes to the Planning Regulation 2017 made through the Planning (Rooming Accommodation) Amendment Regulation 2022, including to tables of assessment, zone codes and development codes
    • updated references to improve planning scheme useability and changes to zones and overlay maps to:
      • reflect current development approvals and site-based circumstances
      • align with a Ministerial infrastructure designation at Brisbane South State Secondary College
      • reflect updates to the curtilage of both Local heritage places and State heritage places, including new State Planning Policy mapping.

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v25.00/2022 - effective 2 December 2022

The amendment included:

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v24.00/2022 – effective 27 May 2022

The amendment included:

  • Major amendment package G – rooftop gardens and landscaped greenspace (adopted 22 March 2022) included changes across a range of citywide provisions to:
    • encourage the provision of rooftop gardens by allowing those that achieve required standards to be excluded from the calculation of maximum number of storeys in medium to high density locations supporting residential, commercial and mixed use multi-storey developments
    • ensure rooftop gardens are integrated in the overall design of buildings, support a green building appearance and enhance the presentation and visual amenity of rooftops and the skyline
    • ensure where landscaping is proposed in rooftop gardens and other artificial growing environments (such as green roofs and green walls on buildings), City Plan standards are appropriate to ensure the successful delivery, maintenance and performance of landscaping over the long term.
  • citywide update – Minor and administrative amendment package K (adopted 22 March 2022) included:
    • changes to zoning and overlay maps to reflect current development approvals, approvals under other legislation and updates to reflect State Planning Policy mapping, including:
      • Airport environs overlay map – Australian Noise Exposure Forecast Contour
      • Biodiversity areas overlay map (Matters of state environmental significance)
      • Coastal hazard overlay map
      • Extractive resources overlay map
      • Heritage overlay map
      • Regional infrastructure corridors and substations overlay map
      • Transport noise corridor overlay map – State designated noise corridor – State controlled road and Rail network.
    • formatting, presentation, mapping and text refinements to maintain the currency and improve effectiveness and useability of the planning scheme
    • amendment to the Infrastructure design planning scheme policy to update the reference to the Building Regulation 2021.

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v23.00/2021 – effective 10 December 2021

The amendment included:

  • citywide update – Amendment package N – Infrastructure design planning scheme policy (adopted 23 November 2021):
    • changes to improve the safety, amenity and sustainability of our city’s lighting infrastructure
    • changes to ensure proprietary stormwater treatment devices achieve the stormwater quality outcomes of City Plan
    • changes to ensure design, construction, delivery and maintenance of infrastructure is in accordance with industry best practice and Council standards.
  • interim amendment to Brisbane City Plan 2014: Local Government Infrastructure Plan (Interim LGIP amendment 1a) (adopted 23 November 2021) primarily updated infrastructure schedules and maps in the LGIP to align with Council’s priorities and commitments
  • tailored amendment to Brisbane City Plan 2014: Long term infrastructure plans (LTIP amendment 1a) (adopted 23 November 2021) involved an update to the LTIP to align with Council’s priorities and commitments for Brisbane’s future.

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v22.00/2021 - effective 3 September 2021

The amendment included:

  • Major amendment package I - Camp Hill zoning, heritage and character (adopted 3 August 2021) included:
    • zoning changes to reflect the results of the Camp Hill zone survey, updates to the Traditional building character overlay and to reflect zone changes at Camp Hill
    • updates to the Heritage overlay and Pre-1911 building overlay.

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v21.00/2021 - effective 28 May 2021

The amendment included:

  • Major amendment package K – Lamb House (adopted 11 May 2021) included changes to further protect the character and significant landscape trees of Lamb House including zone changes, updates to the Traditional building character overlay and adding the Significant landscape tree overlay to protect the property’s local identity as a landmark, and maintain the character and streetscape values of the area
  • citywide update - Minor and administrative amendment package J (adopted 18 May 2021) involved:
    • updates to Flood overlay mapping for the Brisbane River, Cabbage Tree Creek, Cubberla Creek, Moggill Creek, Perrin Creek, and Wolston Creek catchments (for more information refer to the Flood overlay mapping changes – City Plan minor and administrative amendment package J page)
    • zone and overlay mapping changes to the New Farm State School site to align with the Ministerial Infrastructure Designation
    • refinements to heritage and character overlay mapping to reflect development approvals
    • zone map updates to reflect the declaration of new Cross River Rail Priority Development Areas (PDAs) for Boggo Road, Roma Street and Woolloongabba
    • minor and administrative changes to improve the effectiveness and useability of the planning scheme.

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v20.00/2020 - effective 30 October 2020

The amendment included:

  • citywide update – Major amendment package C (adopted 8 September 2020) – involved changes across a range of provisions, including: service station and industrial development, air quality modelling, air quality (planning) criteria and odour criteria, industry thresholds, streetscape hierarchy, heritage and character, bushfire and mapping (overlays)
  • citywide update – Major amendment package E (adopted 8 September 2020) – involved changes across a range of provisions, including: car share, industry provisions, major transport infrastructure – Council controlled road tunnels, multiple dwellings, significant landscape trees, Special Entertainment Areas, the Emerging community zone, subdivision, transport air quality corridors, waterway corridors and mapping (zoning and overlays).

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v19.00/2020 - effective 1 May 2020

The amendment included:

  • citywide update - Major amendment package H - Restricting townhouses from single-home areas and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan (adopted 11 February 2020)

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v18.00/2020 - effective 28 February 2020

The major amendment included:

  • the new Banyo-Northgate Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan (adopted 26 November 2019)
  • the updated Kangaroo Point Peninsula Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan (adopted 19 November 2019)

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v17.00/2019- effective 29 November 2019

The amendment included:

  • citywide update - Major amendment package B - Biodiversity and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan (adopted 22 October 2019)
  • Minor and administrative amendment package I (adopted 29 October 2019) included:
    • update to Brisbane Standard Drawings
    • amendments to mapping to reflect changes made to state planning policy mapping (Heritage) and minor refinements to local heritage place mapping
    • updates to mapping to reflect changes made to state planning policy mapping (Airport environs overlay)
    • zoning changes to reflect current development approvals, including supporting updates to overlay maps.
  • citywide update - Major amendment package F - new Key civic space and iconic vista overlay and consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan; updates to the Heritage and Pre-1911 building overlays (adopted 19 November 2019)
  • citywide update - Amendment package J - increased car parking for suburban multiple dwellings and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan (adopted 19 November 2019).

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v16.00/2019- effective 26 July 2019

The Major amendment included the new Coorparoo and Districts Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan (adopted 28 May 2019).

The Minor and administrative amendment package H (adopted 4 June 2019), included:

  • updates to Brisbane Standard Drawings
  • amendments to mapping to reflect changes made to state planning policy mapping (Heritage)
  • zoning changes to reflect current development approvals
  • supporting updates to overlay maps to reflect zoning changes.

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v15.00/2019 - effective 31 May 2019

Major amendment included:

  • new The Gap Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan (adopted 14 May 2019)
  • citywide amendment - Retirement and aged care amendments package (adopted 14 May 2019).

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Amendment v14.00/2019 - effective 15 February 2019

Minor and administrative amendment (adopted 5 February 2019), included:

  • zoning changes to reflect current development approvals
  • supporting updates to overlay maps to reflect zoning changes.

You can download the public notice of adoption:

You can download the schedule of amendments to City Plan:

Schedule of amendments – Minor amendment package G (v14.00/2019) to City Plan 2014 - 15 February 2019 (Word - 90kb).

Versions up to 13.00/2018 

In the table below, find links to the older superseded versions of Brisbane City Plan 2014 up to version 13.00/2018. Each link contains a Text and Maps folder, and the documents in each folder can be downloaded. 

Public notices of adoption and schedule of amendments documents (which outline the changes associated with that amendment version), can also be found with each version.


Documents in the Text folder are ordered in a way that broadly follows the structure of the City Plan menu. For example, 'Citation and commencement' and 'Part 1' are contained within a folder named 'Part 1 - About the planning scheme'.

To help you locate and identify the relevant PDF maps, download the Guide to finding superseded planning scheme maps - up to version 13.00/2018 (Word - 5.8kb).

Table with information about adopted Brisbane City Plan 2014 amendments.
Amendment v13.00/2018 - effective 23 November 2018

Minor and administrative amendment included:

  • update and reflect the regulated requirements of the Planning Regulation 2017
  • update mapping to reflect current development approvals including Consent Orders of the Planning and Environment Court
  • update and reflect current Council policies and infrastructure design standards.
Amendment v12.00/2018- effective 21 September 2018

Major amendment included:

  • updated Ferny Grove-Upper Kedron Neighbourhood Plan and consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan.
Amendment v11.00/2018- effective 14 September 2018

Major amendment included:

  • new Newstead North Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan 
  • new Dutton Park-Fairfield Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan 
  • updated Spring Hill Neighbourhood Plan and consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan.

Minor and administrative amendment included:

  • zoning change intended to reflect development that has occurred or commenced as a result of development approvals, including Consent Orders of the Planning and Environment Court
  • supporting amendments to overlay maps to reflect the zoning changes.
Amendment v10.00/2018 - effective 29 June 2018

Adoption of a new Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) between 2016 and 2026 incorporating the following trunk infrastructure networks:

  • stormwater network (e.g. pipes and water quality treatment devices)
  • transport network (e.g. roads, pathways, ferry terminals and bus stops)
  • public parks and land for community facilities network.

Adoption of a new major amendment for long-term infrastructure (MALTI) beyond 2026 for protection of land for long-term infrastructure.

Minor, administrative and major planning scheme policy amendment included:

  • consequential amendments to support the adoption of the Local Government Infrastructure Plan
  • changes in open space and removal of references to cross-block links throughout City Plan and the Streetscape hierarchy overlay 
  • an update to infrastructure design standards.
Amendment v09.00/2018 - effective 16 February 2018

Major amendment included:

  • new City West Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of the City Plan 2014.
Amendment v08.00/2017 - effective 1 December 2017

Major amendment included:

  • citywide amendment - amendment package A and additions to the Pre-1911 building overlay to include 139 additional sites.

Minor and administrative amendment included:

  • minor updates to overlay maps to reflect site-specific circumstances
  • updates to infrastructure design standards
  • alignment of the planning scheme with the Planning Regulation 2017
  • alignment of the planning scheme with the State Planning Policy July 2017
  • integration of updated state planning policy mapping.
Amendment v07.00/2017- effective 3 July 2017

Major amendment included:

  • new Yeerongpilly Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan 2014 (for inclusion of the former state planning regulatory provision), and
  • an amendment to align City Plan 2014 with the Planning Act 2016 (done under the alignment amendment rules made by the Planning Minister under section 293 of the Planning Act 2016).
Amendment v06.00/2017 - effective 19 May 2017

Major amendment included:

  • updated Bulimba District Neighbourhood Plan and consequential amendments (to reflect the Bulimba Barracks Master Plan outcomes).
Amendment v05.01/2017 - effective 24 March 2017

Minor and administrative amendment included:

  • changes to sub-categories of the Transport noise corridor overlay (effected by state government legislative changes)
  • minor updates to figures and maps, including adjusting affected maps due to LGA boundary changes
  • addition of/correction to editor's notes (explanatory matter).

Note: current Amendment v05.01/2017 as published included both v05.00/2017 and v05.01/2017 as both amendments took effect from 24 March 2017.

Amendment v05.00/2017 - effective 24 March 2017

Major amendment included:

  • new Hemmant-Lytton Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of the City Plan 2014, including consequential amendments to the transitional Local Government Infrastructure Plan
  • updated City Centre Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan 2014.

Note: current Amendment v05.01/2017 as published includes both v05.00/2017 and v05.01/2017 as both amendments took effect from 24 March 2017.

Amendment v04.00/2016 - effective 18 November 2016

Major amendment included:

  • new Lower Oxley Creek North Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan 2014, including consequential amendments to the transitional Local Government Infrastructure Plan.
Amendment v03.01/2016 - effective 9 September 2016

Minor and administrative amendment included:

  • amendment to correct or change numbering/naming of figures and maps, removal of redundant references, addition of cross-references and addition of/correction to editor’s notes (explanatory matter).
Amendment v03.00/2016 - effective 13 May 2016

Major amendment included:

  • amended Albion Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of City Plan 2014, including consequential amendments to the transitional Local Government Infrastructure Plan.
Amendment v02.00/2016 - effective 19 February 2016

Major amendment included:

  • new Taringa Neighbourhood Plan and associated consequential amendments to the balance of the City Plan 2014.
Amendment v01.03/2015 - effective 18 September 2015

Minor and administrative amendment included:

  • amended Flood overlay (Creek/waterway) mapping (amended to reflect updates to flood models)
  • inclusion of additional state heritage places in the Heritage overlay mapping, and
  • other minor and administrative amendments.
Amendment v01.02/2015 - effective 4 September 2015

Minor and administrative amendment included:

  • alignment of strategic vision with Council’s corporate vision (Brisbane Vision 2031)
  • changes to correct factual matters to provide greater clarity about the application of the provisions
  • amendments to mapping to reflect changes made to state planning policy mapping
  • minor changes to Heritage overlay to clarify curtilage
  • changes to mapping as a result of approved development occurring
  • correction or change to numbering/naming of certain maps.
Amendment v01.01/2014 - effective 12 September 2014

Minor and administrative amendment included:

  • correction or change to numbering/naming of certain figures and maps
  • removal of redundant references 
  • addition of cross-references and editor’s notes (explanatory matter).

Original Brisbane City Plan 2014

Access the Original City Plan - effective 30 June 2014. 

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Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.