Updated flood map based on predicted intense rainfall

Updated Friday 7 March 10pm

Council’s Emergency Dashboard flood mapping has been updated based on the latest Bureau of Meteorology advice.

The new flood mapping now includes overland flow, following updated Bureau of Meteorology predictions for intense rainfall and an increased likelihood for flash flooding.

This mapping is in line with what is currently available via Council’s free Floodwise Property Reports.

Council has also updated storm surge mapping, which shows 20,350 properties are at risk of storm surge, Brisbane River and creek floods. 

Residents are reminded every severe weather event is different and rainfall is difficult to predict. The flood map is for general awareness and is based on the best available information at the time.  

Even if your property isn’t marked as flooded, it could still be at risk. 

For the latest data visit Council's Emergency Dashboard.

See the latest flood awareness maps and access Council’s free Floodwise Property reports.

Last updated:
Topics: severe event

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