Store food

Knowing how to store food correctly can save money, time and food. Save up to $112 per week by following these food storage tips.1

Keep it visible

Store food so you can see it - in clear containers with labels facing forward.

Eat-me-first shelf

Make the top shelf in your fridge the eat-me-first shelf. Look here first.

Freeze for later

Freeze items you won't eat in the next few days. Add to a future menu plan.

Storage tips for Brisbane's most wasted foods

Tips for meat
  • Do a mid-week check to see if you have any uncooked meat in your fridge. Freeze fresh meat if you haven't used it.
  • Check your fridge for any leftover meat. Make toasted sandwiches with any leftover meat.
  • Keep prepared meals with meat on the top shelf to be eaten first.
Tips for salad greens
  • To keep greens fresher for longer, place leafy greens in a container with a damp cloth. Alternatively, place a piece of paper towel inside a packet of leafy greens.
  • When your avocados start to ripen on the bench, place them in the fridge to slow the ripening process.
  • If lettuce, asparagus, zucchini, carrots or celery have gone limp, soak them in a bowl of cold water in the fridge. They'll soon perk up!
  • To keep broccoli fresh for longer, place it in a cup of water in the fridge with the stalks submerged.
Tips for bread
  • After two to three days on the bench, put bread in the freezer and use for toast.
  • Keep bread fresh for longer by storing it in a cool and dry place in your kitchen. Do not store it on top of your refrigerator or dishwasher.
  • Use up the crusts of bread by making breadcrumbs in a blender. Keep in the freezer to use in meatballs, or as a pasta topping.

Storing food to keep it fresh, making sure it's visible and organised and using your freezer can save up to $112 each week if a household spends $52 on eating out because you don't know what you have to eat, $40 on food thrown out because it's gone bad before you've eaten it or frozen it, and $20 on new groceries before eating what you have.

Last updated:
Topics: waste

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