Drury Street and Montague Road Drainage Works - West End

Brisbane City Council is pleased to advise works to upgrade the stormwater drainage at Drury Street and Montague Road in West End are now complete. 

Project summary

This table provides summary information about the Drury Street and Montague Road works including address, ward, project outcomes and latest update.


Drury Street and Montague Road, West End


The Gabba

Project outcomes

Installation of new underground drainage pipes

Latest update

End of construction

About the project

As part of our commitment to maintaining and improving our drainage network system, Council completed necessary drainage works on Drury Street and Montague Road as well as in Orleigh Park in West End. 

This work is part of Council’s commitment to improving drainage across our city and has increased underground drainage capacity, provided improved flood immunity and assisted in managing overland flow in the community.

Project details

These works took place along Drury Street and Montague Road as well as in Orleigh Park, West End. 

Project features

As part of these works, Council completed the following: 

  • excavating sections of Drury Street and a 110-metre section of Montague Road
  • installing new drainage pipes, manholes and roadside gullies in the road area
  • installing a new outlet in a section of Orleigh Park at the end of Montague Road
  • reinstating the park area and road surface.

These works started in early September 2024 and were completed in mid-February 2025.

We would like to thank residents and businesses for their patience and understanding during these important works. 

More information

If you would like to find out more about the project, you can phone Council on 07 3403 8888.

Last updated:
Topics: drainage

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