Hamilton Road drainage works – Chermside

Brisbane City Council is upgrading the stormwater drainage system on Hamilton Road and Kelso Street in Chermside, between Gympie Road and Farnell Street. We are installing new underground stormwater pipes to improve flood immunity for the community.

Construction will begin in early March 2025 and be completed by September 2025, weather and site conditions permitting.

Project summary

This table provides summary information about the Hamilton Road Drainage works including address, ward, project outcomes and latest update.


Hamilton Road, Chermside



Project outcomes

Improved flood immunity for the Chermside community

Latest update

Start of construction

About the project

As part of our commitment to maintaining and improving our drainage network system, Council will be undertaking necessary drainage works along Hamilton Road, between Gympie Road and Kelso Street, as well as on a portion of Kelso Street in Chermside. As part of these works, we are installing additional stormwater infrastructure including drainage pipes and connections, manhole chambers, and roadside drainage gullies.

This work will reduce the risk of localised flooding in the Chermside stormwater catchment area, which has historically been prone to water inundation during significant rain events. 

Project details

Works will start in early March 2025 and will include upgrading the existing stormwater drainage network with additional stormwater pipes, new manhole chambers, gullies and connections. This work is part of a relief drainage program to improve flood immunity for residents and businesses within the Chermside stormwater catchment. 

Works will start near the intersection of Hamilton Road and Gympie Road and progress towards Kelso Street. 

Due to the nature of the works and traffic volume on Hamilton Road, works will be undertaken at night when traffic volumes are lowest. This is to facilitate lane closures and ensure the safety of workers as well as to minimise disruptions for motorists. 

Download the Hamilton Road drainage works map (PDF - 1.11Mb).

Temporary traffic and parking changes

While works are underway on Hamilton Road, on-street parking on both sides of the road will be replaced with a live traffic lane to maintain two-way traffic. 

This temporary traffic change will occur in sections as work progresses along Hamilton Road, with on-street parking reinstated as works are completed. 

Access to driveways will be maintained, with traffic control on site to help people move safely through the site.

Construction impacts

Works will be undertaken at night from 7pm to 4am, Sunday to Wednesday (particularly noisy works, will be completed prior to 11pm, where possible). Some Saturday works may be required and will occur from 7am to 5pm. 

As part of these works, Council will be undertaking the following: 

  • excavating the existing access road surface 
  • removing existing drainage pipes
  • installing new drainage pipes and associated drainage infrastructure
  • reinstating the road surface.

During construction, residents and businesses may experience an increase in noise, dust and vehicle movements, with reversing beepers and flashing lights.

We would like to thank residents and businesses for their patience and understanding while these works are underway.

More information

If you would like to find out more about the project, you can:

  • phone the project team on 3178 5413 during business hours
  • phone Council on 3403 8888 outside business hours
  • email the project team.
Last updated:
Topics: chermside

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