Welcome to Brisbane City Council’s Flood Information Online - video transcript

This page is a video transcript of the Welcome to Brisbane City Council’s Flood Information Online video hosted on Brisbane City Council's YouTube channel. This video is 1 minute long.

>>Female Voice: Brisbane is a subtropical city known for its coastal locations, defined by its river and bay.

Being a river city, Brisbane is located on a floodplain which means the city is more susceptible to flooding.

Brisbane City Council works to manage and reduce the risks of flooding and is making it easier to access information. This will help residents understand how to protect their home or business from flooding.

Use Council’s Flood Information Online to learn more about the types of flooding, major historical floods in Brisbane, and to find the likelihood of a property or suburb flooding on Council’s Flood Awareness Map.

You can also find technical information to help build or renovate your property by downloading a FloodWise Property Report, and importantly, how to become flood resilient and prepare for flood.

Council’s Flood Information Online can help residents and visitors stay safe, confident and ready. 

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.