Business flood recovery resources

Brisbane City Council is committed to ensuring flood affected businesses have the information they need to support their recovery. Use this page to find out about clean up considerations, temporary workspaces, available assistance, and advice for specific types of business.

Clean-up considerations

When you return to your premises to safely get your business up and running again, make sure to consider:

  • Insurance – Before you commence clean up, and if safe to do so, take photos of any damage including to equipment, furniture, furnishings, floor coverings, appliances etc.
  • Personal safety - WorkSafe Queensland provides information about the infection risk for workers involved with flood recovery.
  • Electrical and power safety:
    • Contact a licensed electrician to do a safety check of wiring and switchboards before turning on the power. All electrical equipment that may have come into contact with flood waters should also be checked by a licensed electrician before using.
    • Visit Energex for severe weather safety tips.
    • Be sure to check Energex for safety information if using an electrical generator.
  • Gas safety - ensure any gas installations and appliances that have been affected by flood are inspected by a licensed gasfitter before use.
  • Asbestos - the Queensland Government provides information to ensure your safety and the safety of others when dealing with flood affected materials containing asbestos.
  • Food safety - dispose of any food that has come into contact with flood water or has not been stored appropriately.

Temporary workspaces

Flood impacted businesses may need to access temporary workspace while they get their business back up and running, such as:

Financial assistance

Support services to assist businesses facing financial difficulty following flood may include:

Other sources of assistance

Legal help by Legal Aid Queensland 

Legal Aid Queensland provides legal information and factsheets to assist those affected by flood, as well as a natural disaster legal help line.

Human Resources (HR) and export help by Business Chamber Queensland

Business Chamber Queensland offers an HR and export helpline to assist flood affected businesses, as well as information on leave entitlements and work place health and safety.

Small Business Commissioner  

The Queensland Small Business Commissioner can provide assistance and advocacy.

Mental health support by Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue provides free and confidential mental health support for small business owners.

Business recovery factsheets

Council has compiled factsheets to assist businesses in recovering from severe weather events, including returning to your business premises and support services:

More information

For more information about Council’s support for business, phone Council’s 24/7 Business Hotline on 133 BNE (133 263).

Last updated:
Topics: severe event

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