Housing Support Program Guidelines

Brisbane City Council's Housing Support Program provides funding to community organisations for projects or services that respond to the housing and social needs of homeless people or those living in social housing.

Applications for this grant open on Monday 10 February 2025 and close at midnight on Monday 24 March 2025.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by late May 2025.

Learn about the Housing Support Program:


This grant program has been made possible through financial contributions by Mirvac to support responses to affordable housing provision and tenants living in affordable housing.

Funding is available to develop and improve programs and facilities for homeless people and those in social housing within the inner North of Brisbane.

The Housing Support Program:

  • provides grants to services delivered in the inner north of Brisbane, including Fortitude Valley, New Farm, Newstead, Bowen Hills, Teneriffe and Spring Hill
  • these grants are to be aimed at those who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness.


The Housing Support Program aims to:

  • enhance support services offered to homeless people and people living in social housing, including support to sustain tenancies. This includes services that focus on empowerment, life skills, employability and opportunities for social inclusion
  • provide resources and equipment for projects and programs that meet the needs of homeless people and people living in social housing
  • provide support packages to individuals transitioning into social and affordable housing.

By applying to the Housing Support Program, you are making a commitment to provide housing support within the community beyond the grant period.

The Housing Support Program aims to help achieve aspirations in the Brisbane Vision. The Housing Support Program is designed to assist community organisations to undertake projects that deliver on this vision and maintain what the community most values about Brisbane. By undertaking a project suitable for the Housing Support Program you are helping to achieve the Brisbane Vision aspiration to be a Friendly and Safe, Active and Healthy, Vibrant and Creative City.

Eligible applications

Applicants must be a not-for-profit incorporated organisation in Brisbane or be auspiced by a not-for- profit organisation that is incorporated and able to accept legal and financial responsibility for the project or activity.

Applicants must not have outstanding debts or overdue unacquitted grants with Council.

A wide range of projects can be funded under the Housing Support Program.

Some examples of eligible projects include facility enhancements or individual support packages.

To be eligible for funding the project must directly benefit those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Ineligible applications

The following will NOT be funded:

  • projects that have already commenced or where your organisation has committed to expenditure prior to the notification date. The notification date for the latest grant round is early December 2023
  • projects that are considered to be the core responsibility of other levels of government (e.g. Education, Health)
  • primarily commercial or fundraising ventures
  • event or conference sponsorship, prizes or award ceremonies
  • general operating expenses - funding will not cover expenses such as electricity, lease/rent payments, telephone, uniforms, etc. that are part of the ongoing expenses of the organisation
  • general public liability costs for the organisation (public liability costs that are specific to the project are eligible)
  • debt payment
  • staff wages for permanent staff or for project staff positions that are planned to continue after the project without an identified future funding source
  • purchase of equipment where equipment costs exceed 25% of the funding requested
  • projects that have a focus beyond the inner north catchment area.

Funding available

You can apply for a grant ranging from a minimum of $2000 to a maximum of $10,000. As resources are limited, not every application that meets the assessment criteria will necessarily receive a grant.

Council may fund the full cost of a project, however applications which include contributions from the applicant are encouraged. The applicant’s contribution may be cash, other funding assistance or ‘in-kind’ for example, voluntary labour or materials.

Council may also consider projects where other funding agencies are contributing to the overall cost, e.g. 50% funding from state government, 50% funding from Council.

In some instances, successful applicants may not receive the full amount of funding, but rather a percentage of the total sought. If your project cannot proceed without full funding, this should be indicated in your application.

Financial arrangements


If you are successful in obtaining a grant, Council will send you a Funding Agreement that must be completed and returned prior to funding being provided.


If you or your auspicing body are GST registered, 10% GST will be added to your grant as an itemised GST gross-up.

If you or your auspicing body are not GST registered, the 10% GST will be added to your grant, but not itemised as GST.

For advice on GST, please contact your tax advisor or the Australian Taxation Office on 13 24 78 or via the Australian Taxation Office website.

Assessment process

Once eligibility criteria are checked, each project will be scored on the following assessment criteria:

Application assessment critieria by criteria number, assessment criteria and percentage weighting.
Criteria #Assessment criteriaPercentage weighting
1.Ability to achieve one or more of the objectives of the funding program20%
2. Demonstrated need for the project and anticipated benefit to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness 20% 
3.Evidence of effective consultation, networking and the potential to develop partnerships in relation to the project20%
4.Capacity to undertake all aspects of the project including evaluation and documenting the results20%
5.Extent to which the budget is comprehensive, realistic and provides value for money20%

Following the initial assessment by relevant Council officers, recommendations will be provided to the Comparative Assessment Committee. This committee prioritises recommendations for the Branch Manager, Connected Communities  consideration. The Branch Manager, Connected Communities then makes the final decision regarding grant allocation.

Application process

Making an application

A budget table is required to support your application. Before you apply, it is highly recommended you review a budget table example to assist you with developing your budget.

When open for submission, all applications are submitted online.

The online application system allows you to save, develop and print out your application before you submit it. Support material can also be attached to your online application.

Applications will only be accepted if submitted on the online application form and associated templates.

Once an applicant has submitted an application:

  • the applicant will receive an email confirming receipt of the application
  • submitted applications will be kept confidential and the contents will not be disclosed to any person outside the application and assessment process
  • the list of successful applicants will be published on this website.

Successful applicants will be required to:

  • ensure continued compliance with these Guidelines
  • deliver the approved project in accordance with the contents of the submitted applications approved by Council for the provision of a grant
  • fully comply with the terms and conditions set out in the Funding Agreement (including any special conditions) provided by Council to the successful applicants; and
  • fully acquit the grant to Council in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Funding Agreement.

Apply now

Planning an application

Before applying for funding, you must undertake planning for your proposed project and ensure that:

  • your organisation is eligible
  • your project and its components are eligible
  • if you need Development Approval, contact Council’s Contact Centre on 07 3403 8888 and/or read about development assessment in Council
  • you have considered the assessment criteria and responded directly to these criteria
  • your project effectively responds to all or part of the objectives of the Housing Support Program
  • you have identified the need for your project and can document how you identified this need
  • you have carefully considered whether this project can proceed without Council funding and to what extent your organisation can contribute financially or ‘in-kind’, e.g. voluntary labour or materials, to the project
  • you have identified the objectives of your project and how it will provide a wider community benefit
  • you have carefully considered your budget and ensured that your figures are reliable and are able to demonstrate ‘value for money'
  • you have thought about how you can manage the project and can demonstrate how you plan to deliver the results in the project timeframe
  • you have consulted with all relevant stakeholders about your project, including your local Councillor, and can demonstrate support for the project, e.g. letters of support
  • you have considered whether your project would be improved if you worked with other organisations to deliver your project
  • you have considered how you will document and evaluate your project
  • you have obtained a minimum of two recent quotes or pricing information, showing value for money if you are applying for capital works or equipment.

Successful applicants

Successful applicants receive a formal approval letter and Funding Agreement. The Funding Agreement will include Terms and Conditions of the grant, any special conditions that have been attached to your grant and GST information. You will need to complete and sign the Funding Agreement before any funding will be released.

You have 12 months from the time of the notification of your successful application to complete the project and acquit the grant, unless otherwise negotiated.

Unsuccessful applicants

Failure to receive funding is not necessarily due to a poor application but may be the result of the demand for funds. For feedback on your grant application, please refer to the contact telephone number given in your notification letter. You may wish to consider submitting your application to another grants program.

For information on other grant programs, access the Funding Finder, a national database of grant and funding opportunities for local businesses, community groups and not-for-profits. This site provides a comprehensive list of available grant and funding opportunities and applicants can register to receive emailed alerts for new grants, save favourites and access tips to help apply for grants. 


Further information is available by contacting Council, where you will be put in contact with the Community Development Coordinator (Central).

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service:

  • TTY users phone 133 677 and then ask for 07 3403 8888
  • Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 and then ask for 07 3403 8888
  • internet relay users connect to the NRS (www.relayservice.com.au) and then ask for 07 3403 8888.

If you require this information in other languages, please phone the Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450 and ask to be connected to Brisbane City Council on 07 3403 8888.

All enquiry services are free.

Terms and conditions

Successful applicants must abide by Council's terms and conditions of the grant, which will be set out as part of your Funding Agreement.

The following is a summary of the terms and conditions:

  • you must use the grant for the purposes that you have outlined in your application
  • you must ensure that your accounts or audit report for the funded project are shown as a separate item to general business
  • if you want to change expenditure items covered by the grant, you must get written permission from Council prior to spending the money
  • you have to fully acquit the grant within 12 months from the date of notification of success of your application. This includes providing an acquittal report which includes a:
    • financial report
    • evaluation report
  • Council is not responsible for any budget shortfalls
  • if you have money left over after the completion of the project, you must give it back to Council
  • if you don't abide by the conditions you could jeopardise your chances of receiving further funds from Council
  • you must acknowledge support from Council
  • if you are set special conditions you must adhere to them
  • you, or your Auspice, must hold insurance, including appropriate Public Liability
  • capital grants may require a site inspection from Council officers prior to final acquittal
  • Council is not responsible for any loss or expense in relation to the completed project.


Not-for-profit organisation
An organisation whose constitution states that any profits or surpluses must be used to further the objectives of the organisation rather than benefit an individual.

The Acquittal Form is due within 12 months from the notification date and explains the outcomes of the project and how the funds were spent. It demonstrates that the funding has been used for the purpose for which it was provided, including a certified report of financial transactions and whether the project achieved its intended objectives.

Community benefit
How your project will provide cultural, social or economic opportunities to people accessing or participating in your organisation and the wider community.

An auspice not-for-profit organisation is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation that accepts and manages the legal and financial responsibility of the funding on behalf of the unincorporated not-for-profit organisation.

In-kind contribution
The dollar value of non-cash contributions to a project, e.g. office space, staff time or voluntary labour, that would otherwise have needed to be paid for.

The items or services must be such that there would normally be a charge for them, and must be essential to the implementation of the project.

Equipment (Non-consumables)
Equipment is purchased to be used during the project but can continue to be used after the completion of the project.

You may apply for up to 25% of total cost of project for equipment, e.g. if the total cost of your project is $10,000 then you may apply for up to $2500 towards the equipment you require for the project.

Materials (Consumables)
Materials are purchased to be used during the project but are used up by the completion of the project.

Target group
Primary group(s) of people that the project is aimed at appealing to or specific population group(s) intended as beneficiaries of the project.

For example:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • seniors
  • people with a disability
  • young People
  • multicultural communities.

Letters of support
Letters of endorsement or commitment to the project from partners, other community organisations, elected members.

Organisational governance
The way a committee works to inform, direct, manage and monitor the activities of the organisation toward the achievement of its objectives. This includes the committee’s structure and processes. 

Last updated:

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