Applying for special events in malls

The Queen Street and Valley Malls are popular locations for special events of a promotional nature. Brisbane City Council regulates the Malls under the Public Land and Council Assets Local Law 2014.

There are different processes for requesting consent from Council for commercial and non-commercial promotional activities to take place in the Queen Street or Valley malls.

There are also different requirements for rallies, demonstrations and processions under the Peaceful Assembly Act 1992.

Commercial activities

Commercial events may involve the exchange of goods or services for a fee, or the promotion of a business activity or entity. Examples of commercial events include product launches or brand promotions.

To ask to use the malls for a commercial activity or promotion, please contact:

Non-commercial activities

Non-commercial promotions may be used to raise awareness of:

  • a pastime or hobby, such as chess
  • a survey or data gathering exercise.

Non-commercial promotions may involve the following activities, which require consent under the Public Land and Council Assets Local Law 2014:

  • distributing any written material, or advertising by means of any placard, board, banner or article of a similar nature
  • delivering any public address except at a location designated by council
  • gathering or collecting subscriptions or contributions
  • singing, chanting, playing a musical instrument, dancing, busking, reciting, miming or entertaining other persons
  • stacking or storing any goods
  • using an amplifying device in a mall area, or in a place adjacent to a mall, if the  amplified sound is audible in the mall.

You will need to seek consent from Council at least five working days before the planned activity.

To apply for consent under the Public Land and Council Assets Local Law 2014, complete the use of City Malls for special event online form.

There is no fee for the first application, but second and subsequent applications attract an $101.00 application fee payable before you can conduct an approved promotion.

More information

You can view the Public Land and Council Assets Local Law 2014 via Queensland Government Legislation website.

For more information about special events in Malls, phone Council on 07 3403 8888. 

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.