Using or closing a road or footpath

You need a permit to conduct certain activities on Brisbane City Council’s footways and roads and for constructing driveways.

A footway is also known as a 'nature strip' or 'road reserve' and is the strip of land from the front property boundary to the kerb and channel, including the footpath.    

Using a road or footway

You need to apply for a permit to work on a road or footway to construct a residential driveway.

Find out how to apply for other work on a road or footpath including:

  • construct commercial driveways
  • construct or repair a footpath
  • deposit equipment and materials on the footway, including:
    • landscaping supplies
    • shipping containers
    • industrial bin
    • building materials
    • mini-skips
    • vehicles
    • machinery
    • temporary fences
  • crossover kerb and channel
  • excavate roadway or footway
  • connect to Council stormwater drainage
  • use of footway for temporary stall
  • hoarding and gantry
  • display or storage of goods on a roadway or footway.

Occupying a road or footway

A partial road closure with no obstruction to resident access does not require notice to be provided to local residents.

You should issue a notice to local residents at least 48 hours prior to a partial or full road closure if:

  • it will restrict access in any way
  • works will be carried out overnight or on weekends.

Companies need approval for a:

Assessment is based on the impact on traffic volumes at all times of the day. Council only allows full road or lane closures during periods of low traffic.

Activities not permitted on roads and footpaths

The Health, Safety and Amenity Local Law 2021 does not allow certain activities on Council roads or road related areas (e.g. footpath, dividing strip or public cycle paths). Prohibited activities include:

  • carrying out vehicle maintenance, except for minor emergency repairs, such as changing a battery or tyre.
  • camping overnight in a vehicle (note, excludes sleeping in a vehicle for fatigue management, personal safety, or otherwise in emergent circumstances).

Permanent lane or road closure

If you want to permanently close a road, contact the Queensland Government to make enquiries including their process and fees.

The Queensland Government will then direct you to Brisbane City Council to gain Council's assessment of the proposed closure.  

Council will:

  • assess the permanent road closure application and provide its position to you on a Queensland Government Part C form
  • charge you a fee of $1,887.90 if your application is assessed and deemed as supported by Council.

Your Part C form can then be submitted to the Queensland Government who may seek views from other relevant agencies and will provide you with the final decision about the permanent road closure application.

If you are unsure whether you need a permit, contact Council.

Verge gardens

Council is making it easier for residents to set up verge gardens on the footpath. Verge garden guidelines assist residents with requirements to establish a garden.

Festive footpaths

To help get into the spirit of the festive season, Brisbane City Council has introduced the Festive Footpaths program where Brisbane residents can decorate their footpath and street trees during designated periods.

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.