Reference services

Reference information is available in print at your local library and through the Online Reference Library. Library staff can help you find the information you need whether you're in the library or online.

Online Reference Library

You can access the Online Reference Library from the home page of eLibCat, the online library catalogue. To log onto the Online Reference Library, you need to enter your library card barcode number which is on the back of your card.

The Online Reference Library gives you access to:                           

  • encyclopedias
  • magazines and newspapers
  • computing and IT information including computer tutorials
  • business information
  • consumer and job information
  • genealogy
  • health and lifestyle information
  • student resources
  • science and environment information
  • legal information
  • information about authors, books and poetry
  • information about Brisbane
  • access to other libraries' catalogues.

AskALibrarian: live chat service

The AskALibrarian: live chat service gives Brisbane City Council library members free access to a chat session with a librarian. They can help you to find information for homework and assignments, personal research, hobbies and interests. 

The service is available at the following times:

  • Monday - Friday: 9am-5pm
  • Saturday: 9am-4pm
  • Sunday: 10am-3pm

AskALibrarian: live chat service is not available on public holidays.

AskALibrarian: email a reference question

For more complex questions you can email a reference question to a Council librarian. We'll usually get back to you with an answer within 48 hours.

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.