Sherwood Arboretum botanic collection
An arboretum is a botanic collection composed exclusively of trees. Sherwood Arboretum features one of Brisbane's best collections of Australian native trees with over 1000 trees comprising over 250 species.
Find out more about the the botanic collections in Sherwood Arboretum.

Sir Matthew Nathan Avenue
A magnificent collection of 72 Queensland kauri pines form a central avenue down Sherwood Arboretum. It was one of the first additions to the site planted in 1925.
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Sherwood Arboretum was officially opened on World Forestry Day on 21 March 1925, with a planting of 72 Queensland kauri pines (Agathis robusta) along a central promenade. The original planting was undertaken in a grand opening by prominent citizens of the time, including the Queensland Governor, Sir Matthew Nathan and the future Lord Mayor of Greater Brisbane, William Jolly. Named 'Sir Matthew Nathan Avenue' in honour of the Queensland Governor, the avenue shares a special place in Queensland's history. Each tree is labelled with a plaque commemorating the person who undertook the original planting in 1925.

Fig avenue
A stand of large figs are situated in the southern section of the arboretum adjacent to the river frontage. These figs provide a place for nature play and a cool shady place in the warmer months.
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Figs are a keystone species in many tropical forest ecosystems. Their fruit are a key resource for a wide range of wildlife including mammals, birds and insects.
Some notable species of figs in the collection including the Hill's Fig (Ficus microcarpa var. hilli), white fig (Ficus virens), cluster fig (Ficus racemosa var. racemosa), Moreton Bay fig (Ficus macrophylla forma macrophylla) and the Port Jackson fig (Ficus rubiginosa forma glabrescens).

Dry rainforest
A dry rainforest community is located within the northern section of the arboretum featuring a collection of trees including Brachychitons, commonly known as bottle trees.
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Dry rainforest communities grow on fertile soils and rocky terrain and typically experiences a long, dry period of low rainfall in winter and spring. Many plants have developed special adaptations to survive both wet and dry conditions. Situated in the northern section of the arboretum is a dry rainforest collection dominated by Brachychitons, commonly known as bottle trees. Bottle trees are renowned for their drought tolerance, with the ability to store water in their trunk allowing them to survive long periods of low rainfall.
Brachychitons featured within this collection include the narrow-leaved bottle tree (Brachychiton rupestris), lacebark (Brachychiton discolor), broad-leaved bottle tree (Brachychiton australis) and flame tree (Brachychiton acerifolius).

Sherwood Arboretum is situated adjacent to the Brisbane River. A 150 metre long boardwalk provides sweeping views of the riverfront.
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Mangrove systems are critically important habitats for a wide range of species, providing nursery, feeding and refuge areas and underpinning coastal food webs. Mangroves also protect the coast by absorbing the energy of storm-driven waves and wind.
Three species of mangroves dominate this community - the river mangrove (Aegiceras corniculatum), milky mangrove (Excoecaria agallocha), and grey mangrove (Avicennia marina). Take a walk along the riverside boardwalk to see this community up close, while taking in views of the Brisbane River. Huge remnant forest red gum (Eucalyptus teritcornis subsp. teriticornis) trees can be seen lining the riverbank.

Dry sclerophyll and 1974 flood marker
Stand on top of the dry sclerophyll woodland and see the height of the 1974 floods which covered the arboretum.
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The 1974 flood marker located on the hillside adjacent to the playground commemorates the January 1974 flood which occurred in Brisbane after three weeks of continual rain. Almost the entire arboretum was engulfed by the floodwaters. The marker serves as a reminder of the extreme weather events the arboretum site faces.
Protected from these floodwaters, the dry sclerophyll woodland, dominated by eucalypts, is situated on the hillside. Sclerophyll forests are associated with low soil fertility and are generally dominated by plants that have hard leaves adapted to drought and fire.