Lindum rail crossing upgrade

Brisbane City Council is pleased to share the preliminary design for the Lindum rail crossing upgrade in Wynnum West.


AddressLindum Road, Sibley Road, Kianawah Road and North Road, Wynnum West Qld 4178
WardDoboy Ward and Wynnum Ward
Project outcomeImprove road safety
Latest news

Preliminary design released


About the project

The Lindum rail crossing is managed by the Queensland Government (the rail line) and Brisbane City Council (the roads). The Australian Government, the Queensland Government and Council are working closely to deliver safety improvements at the level crossing through a phased solution.

Initial safety upgrades at the rail crossing were completed in late 2021. These works included:

  • installing a new median island on the northern approach to the intersection
  • extending the median island on Lindum Road
  • a new longer 12 metre boom gate on the eastern approach.

The next phase of works will involve realigning and signalising the intersection at the level crossing.

The Lindum rail crossing upgrade is funded by the Australian Government, the Queensland Government and Brisbane City Council, with construction subject to funding.

Council held two community information sessions in late February 2024 and invited the community to have their say on the preliminary design. More information, including a summary of the feedback we heard at the information sessions will be shared with the community as part of the detailed design phase.

All three levels of government continue to plan for long-term safety improvements including the potential grade separation of vehicles and active transport from the rail corridor. Queensland Government is leading the investigation into the longer-term solution and information can be found on the Queensland Government’s website.

Project details

  • Realigning the intersection layout to the west of the existing open level crossing, to achieve a perpendicular crossing. This improved geometry will make it safer and easier for road users to travel through the area with improved sightlines and visibility.
  • Installing traffic lights on the roads that neighbour the level crossing to control all traffic movements through the crossing.
  • Installing controlled pedestrian crossing facilities on Lindum Road, Sibley Road and Kianawah Road.
  • Removing the right-turn from Sibley Road into Kianawah Road to further improve safety for road users.
  • Installing a U-turn facility on Kianawah Road so those travelling westbound on Sibley Road can access Lindum Road and North Road. 
  • New controlled, dedicated pedestrian crossing facility at the open level crossing.
  • New shared paths and footpaths on Lindum Road, North Road, Kianawah Road and Sibley Road to improve active transport connectivity.
  • On-road bike lanes on Kianawah Road southbound and Lindum Road northbound.
  • New yellow box line marking and road surface.
  • Installing new drainage, pavement, line marking and minor landscaping.

Please refer to the preliminary design for more information.

Project benefits

The project will improve safety for all road users that travel through the open level crossing and improve intersection operation with the installation of traffic lights.

Community feedback

Council held two community information sessions in late February 2024 to share the preliminary design with the community. Thank you to everyone who came along to provide feedback on the design. More information about what we heard during the sessions will be provided to the community soon. 

As Council continues to move through design development, we are always open to feedback and encourage the community to get in touch to raise issues, ask questions or sign up to receive regular project updates.

More information

If you would like to register to receive regular project updates or have any questions about the Lindum rail crossing upgradeyou can:

  • phone the project team on 3178 5413 (during business hours, 8.30am-4.30pm)
  • phone Council on 07 3403 8888 (after hours)
  • email the project team
  • use the online contact form to register for project updates
  • write to
    Lindum rail crossing upgrade
    City Projects
    Brisbane City Council
    GPO Box 1434
    Brisbane Qld 4001.
Last updated:

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