Cosmic Collisions

Cosmic Collisions

Date & time
Tue 8 Apr 2025
12:00pm to 12:45pm
Add to Calendar 2025-04-08 12:00 2025-04-08 12:45 Australia/Brisbane Cosmic Collisions Collisions, both dazzling and destructive, release energy that drives the growth and evolution of the universe and shape our place within it. Produced by the American Museum of Natural History. Narrated by Robert Redford. Session concludes with a virtual tour of the Brisbane night sky. <em>Cosmic Collisions was developed by the American Museum of Natural History, New York in collaboration with the Denver Museum of Nature &amp; Science; GOTO INC, Tokyo, Japan; and the Shanghai Science &amp; Technology Museum. Cosmic Collisions was created by the American Museum of Natural History with the major support and partnership of NASA, Science Mission Directorate, Heliophysics Division.</em> Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium, 152 Mt Coot-tha Road, Mt Coot-tha
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Suitable for ages 8+


Adult $17, Child (3-14 yrs) $10, Concession $12

Collisions, both dazzling and destructive, release energy that drives the growth and evolution of the universe and shape our place within it. Produced by the American Museum of Natural History. Narrated by Robert Redford.

Session concludes with a virtual tour of the Brisbane night sky.

Cosmic Collisions was developed by the American Museum of Natural History, New York in collaboration with the Denver Museum of Nature & Science; GOTO INC, Tokyo, Japan; and the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum.
Cosmic Collisions was created by the American Museum of Natural History with the major support and partnership of NASA, Science Mission Directorate, Heliophysics Division.



For booking and venue enquiries please phone 07 3403 8888 or email
To make a Companion Card booking please phone 3403 2578 10am-4pm Tuesday to Sunday.


Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium, 152 Mt Coot-tha Road, Mt Coot-tha

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