First 5 Forever: Dreaming Storytime with Aunty Rhonda Collard-Spratt and Jacki Ferro
10:00am to 10:45am
2-5 year olds
Join other jarjums in a special storytime with authors Aunty Rhonda and Jacki as they share their new picture book Brave Young Eagle, the fourth book in the Spirit of Dreaming series. Enjoy an interactive puppet show along with original music. Ideal for children aged 2-5 years.
First 5 Forever is an initiative of the Queensland Government, coordinated by State Library of Queensland and delivered in partnership with local government.
Bookings required. Phone Mount Ommaney Library on 07 3407 7010 to reserve your place.
Mt Ommaney Library, Mt Ommaney Shopping Centre, 171 Dandenong Road, Mt Ommaney
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