One-on-one tech help

One-on-one tech help

Date & time
Tue 25 Mar 2025
1:00pm to 2:30pm
Add to Calendar 2025-03-25 13:00 2025-03-25 14:30 Australia/Brisbane One-on-one tech help Contact Zillmere library to enquire about one-on-one tech assistance to troubleshoot technical issues, develop digital skills and improve online confidence. A Brisbane Libraries Tech Connect workshop. Zillmere Library, Corner Jennings Street and Zillmere Road, Zillmere
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Young adults, Adults (30+), Seniors



Contact Zillmere library to enquire about one-on-one tech assistance to troubleshoot technical issues, develop digital skills and improve online confidence.

A Brisbane Libraries Tech Connect workshop.


Bookings required. Phone Zillmere Library on 07 3403 1455 to reserve your place.


Zillmere Library, Corner Jennings Street and Zillmere Road, Zillmere

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