One-on-one tech help
1:30pm to 3:00pm
Young adults, Adults (30+), Seniors
Contact Kenmore Library to enquire about one-on-one tech assistance to troubleshoot technical issues, develop digital skills and improve online confidence.
A Brisbane Libraries Tech Connect workshop.
Bookings required. Phone Kenmore Library on 07 3407 0258 to reserve your place.
Kenmore Library, Kenmore Village, 9 Brookfield Road, Kenmore
Suggested events
Focus on a range of movements to relax the mind and body. Stretching, breathing, strength and balance exercises are included by incorporating standing poses and...
This session aims to incorporate ancient yogic practices; yoga posture, breath, mantra, mudra and meditation into one class. When five components are combined...
Focus on a range of movements to relax the mind and body. Stretching, breathing, strength and balance exercises are included by incorporating standing poses and...
Bookings essential. Great combination of interval training to improve cardiovascular fitness and specific core strength and stability exercises. Suitable for...