Zumba Gold®
5:30pm to 6:30pm
All ages
Enjoy a fun, simple and low-impact workout in a welcoming and supportive atmosphere. Shake it at your own pace to zesty Latin tunes, Indian infused rhythms plus a variety of other wonderful music. This class will help you improve your balance, range of motion and coordination.
No bookings required. For more information visit BoogieCamp or phone Olga on 0415 818 983.
Meeting point
If the gates are locked, please wait at GATE 2 (at the back of the car park) for the instructor, otherwise, meet inside the hall.
Sunnybank Community Centre, 65 Gager Street, Sunnybank
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Enjoy a fun, simple and low-impact workout in a welcoming and supportive atmosphere. Shake it at your own pace to zesty Latin tunes, Indian infused rhythms plus...