Development.i Tool - terms and conditions

Development.i is an easy to use online tool that allows people to search for development information by address, suburb, lot on plan, application number or via a map. Request for referral agency responses (QDC siting variation) are now also available on Development.i. All development applications or siting variations matching the search criteria are displayed on a map, with further details and documents quickly accessed.

You can register to save your favourite searches and opt into receiving email notifications when an application or siting variation, based on your personalised search criteria, is lodged or decided. Notifications are sent out each morning.

You should consider these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully before using Development.i and immediately stop using the service if you do not agree to these Terms. Use of Development.i is considered acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

1. The information provided on this tool will help you track the progress of Development Applications or Request for referral agency response (QDC siting variations). It represents key milestones in the Development Application process and review process for siting variations, not a detailed history. Property transactions or settlements or similar decisions should not rely on the information contained in Development.i. Persons wishing to confirm this information should do so via a Planning and Development Certificate.

2. Development.i assists with information on development applications and requests for referral agency responses (QDC siting variations). It does not provide all Council's information relating to the property within the Brisbane City local government area.

3. The information available through Development.i, particularly in relation to a selected property (including accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability) does not represent formal advice or future outcome for any proposed development.  No liability is accepted (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use by you of this information. 

4. While all reasonable care has been taken, Brisbane City Council does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information provided in Development.i, and accepts no responsibilities for, or in connection with, any expense, loss, damage or liability (including indirect and consequential loss) arising as a result of any inaccuracies, errors or omissions, system unavailability including resulting in delays in email notifications, or your reliance on or use of this information. 

5. In order to access some features of Development.i, you may need to be a registered user. When you register and activate your account, you will provide us with limited personal information such as your name and email address. Any personal information collected by Council will be handled in accordance with Council’s Privacy Statement.

6. When you register you create your own profile. You are responsible for keeping your profile information, including password, secure and are responsible for all use and activity carried out when logged into your user profile.

7. By registering to save searches and receive notifications, you accept that Council will use the contact details provided such as your email address to notify you of system related information, for example outages, updates or upgrades. 

8. Access to Development.i is at the discretion of Council. Council reserves the right to refuse to allow access to any part of Development.i without prior notice and without the need to give any reason for doing so.

9. All matters relating to Development.i are governed by the laws of both the State of Queensland and the Commonwealth of Australia.

For further information, please see Council’s Privacy, Copyright and Disclaimer webpage.

Last updated:

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