It's a universal truth, acknowledged by parents and carers alike, that a finished roll of alfoil, an egg carton, or a pine cone, aren't just inanimate objects, but highly-valued art supplies for kids.
We've searched both sides of the Brisbane River to find the city's top eight art and craft workshops for Brissy kids and teens - all guaranteed to inspire your next art and craft day at home.
Amongst the pages of inspiration that line the shelves, our libraries host a range of workshops and maker spaces to give our youngest residents an artful pause. From science experiments to city building with cardboard boxes, collage to origami – there is something for all ages. Check out our What's on in Brisbane Libraries events calendar for workshops and booking information across the city.
There is an abundance of creativity in the heart of our CBD at Museum of Brisbane in Brisbane City Hall. Check their program for workshops inspired by current exhibitions and led by expert guides. Bookings are essential and they offer a range of free events as well as events with a charge.
Get back to nature each week with Bush Kindy at Downfall Creek and Boondall Wetlands. For kids aged 3-5 years, this free event lets them explore the reserve and build confidence through art and craft activities, bushwalking and more. Bookings are required.
A pick and mix of creative activities for children of all ages, Creative Kids Brisbane monthly events calendar features ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture and more. Crafting from 9-11am on weekdays, walk-ins are welcome, meaning you can stay flexible should nap time run early or late. Single visit tickets cost $15 per child.
Tucked away in the suburban streets of Everton Park, Janet Stone and Flying Fox Studios' team of teachers are sparking the imagination of Brisbane kids aged two and above with their unique art classes. Kids and teens are encouraged to draw, paint, cut, paste, thread and stamp for creative expressions. Check out their range of classes.
A strictly pasta-necklace free zone, Make & Meld's kids workshops and art classes lend themselves more towards design and construction. From their active and healthy events funded by Brisbane City Council ($6 per event) to the Afterschool Makerclubs held weekly ($196 per term) and their school holiday programs starting from $32 per class, kids will have a tonne of fun without realising they're learning design. Parents and carers can sit back and enjoy a coffee from the on-site kitchen.
Located just a short stroll from the Cultural Centre bus station, families with children of all ages are welcome to visit the Children's Art Centre at GOMA. Kids will have a great time exploring exhibitions and participating in workshops and classes.
Carindale Library Makerspace is a space for people to learn new skills and collaborate through access to maker equipment (sewing machines, laser cutters and digital tablets and laptops for digital drawing and illustration) and programs. Children over the age of 12 are welcome to use the equipment with supervision from a parent or legal guardian who has attended the prerequisite induction workshop.
Find more hidden gems and new-to-you adventures with our Brisbetter Explore articles.
**This blog was updated in June 2023.**
Editor's note: The featured content in Brisbane Explore is created to inspire residents and visitors to plan a day out exploring Brisbane. Brisbane City Council disclaims any relationship with, or endorsement of, businesses featured in this article.
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