Rosalie Village precinct barber streetscape
Rosalie Village precinct

Brisbane's business precincts are alive with opportunity as our city looks toward the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games and beyond. Planning and supporting active and attractive business precincts will help preseve what we love about Brisbane neighbourhoods and precincts, but also help to enhance their value for residents and visitors to enjoy.

Business owners can access tools and resources developed by Brisbane City Council to help attract more visitors to Brisbane's business precincts.

Tools and resources

Brisbane's central, industrial and retail precincts

Council supports and promotes Brisbane’s central, industrial and retail precincts to recognise their unique identities. Find out more about these precincts.


Local retail and activation toolkit

Council has developed a toolkit to help businesses in suburban retain strips to come together to increase visibility of their area and drive customer growth.

Free tailored business support

Eligible Brisbane-based businesses within local retail precincts across the city can apply now for free support programs to enhance their business quality, performance and distinctiveness. Places are limited.

How to make precincts more attractive and connected - playbook

Practical advice and information for communities, businesses, local groups, property owners, and other organisations to make their local centre more active, attractive and connected.

Pop-up shops

Are you a business seeking a pop-up space or do you have a vacant shop that you'd like to lease short term? A pop-up shop is a win-win as it helps a business to grow and shows how a vacant shop can be used effectively.


Suburban renewal precincts

Building on the success of Council's neighbourhood planning program, suburban renewal precincts focus on unlocking underutilised land in suburban areas.

Vibrantly Vacant

Attract new tenants to your vacant shopfront with Vibrantly Vacant, a citywide program where property owners/agents can apply to have themed decals installed on the front windows of the premises.

Precinct data

Easily find and analyse precinct data with community profiles using the latest demographic, social and economic data.

Related information

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Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.