Local retail and activation toolkit
Brisbane City Council is doing more to support local businesses and drive suburban economic vitality. A local retail and activation toolkit has been developed to help businesses in suburban retail strips come together to increase visibility of their area and drive customer growth.
The toolkit provides information and tips on how to enhance the customer appeal of your precinct through a process of:
- building knowledge about the market in which you operate
- understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your precinct, and its competitive positioning
- working collaboratively to achieve a shared vision
- getting the biggest bang for your buck through investments in place and activation.
If you are an operator in an existing precinct trying to foster greater collaboration, or an established business network seeking to ramp up activities, the information in this toolkit can help you achieve your goals.
A key role of this toolkit is to showcase the techniques of successful shopping centres and demonstrate how these can be applied to retail strips.
This includes:
- use of data and market analytics to understand customers and competitive positioning
- creating distinct precincts with the right mix of tenants
- effective marketing
- place management and placemaking to deliver clean, safe and vibrant environments
- maximising ease of access for customers.
The toolkit has been developed based on extensive best practice research, combined with interviews and case studies of local successful business partnerships.
Download the toolkit
You can download the toolkit in full:
- Local retail and activation toolkit - full document (PDF - 5.5Mb)
- Local retail and activation toolkit - full document (Word - 3.6Mb).
Alternatively, you can download the individual modules of the toolkit:
- Local retail and activation toolkit - Introduction (PDF - 146kb)
- Local retail and activation toolkit - Importance of collaboration (PDF - 179kb)
- Local retail and activation toolkit - Is your precinct flourishing? (PDF - 389kb)
- Local retail and activation toolkit - Placemaking: from transaction to interaction (PDF - 4.6kb)
- Local retail and activation toolkit - Promoting your precinct (PDF - 225kb)
- Local retail and activation toolkit - Keeping on track (PDF - 425kb)
More information
For more information about the toolkit, you can:
- email Council's Business Engagement Officer team
- phone Council’s Business Hotline on 133 BNE (133 263).