Providing water for wildlife

During ongoing dry weather and periods of extreme heat, it is important that we care for our native wildlife.
Brisbane residents can help native wildlife stay healthy during these times by offering water to the animals visiting their backyards.
Remember the following when providing access to water in your backyard:
- use a shallow non-metal dish or bowl to ensure wildlife can't drown
- make sure domestic animals and pets cannot access the water
- change the water daily and ensure the dish or bowl is kept clean
- install the water in a shaded location to keep the water cool, preferably close to a shrub or tree to provide a nearby safe place.
Advice about swimming pools
Swimming pools are attractive to thirsty wildlife, but they are dangerous for animals that fall in and cannot get back out again.
Ensure that your swimming pool is wildlife and koala safe by:
- using a pool cover at night to prevent animals entering the water
- creating an escape route, for example a ramp that allows animals climb out. A rope tied to a secure point outside the pool and draped over one edge can also be used
- place a stone or brick onto the top step to allow smaller animals to climb out
- check the pool filter box every day for frogs and reptiles.
Additional help for animals
If it is suspected that an animal has heat stroke or other illness, contact the RSPCA for advice.
Council operates a native animal ambulance service through the RSPCA.
If you find a sick, injured and/or orphaned wild animal, phone the RSPCA on 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625) and ask for help from the animal ambulance.
Do not handle flying foxes or attempt to catch or handle them as this may lead to injury to yourself or added stress to the animal. If you see a sick, injured, distressed or orphaned flying-fox phone the RSPCA on 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625) or your local wildlife carer.