Kingfisher Creek corridor concept plan project

Brisbane City Council is committed to making Brisbane a clean, green and sustainable city now and for future generations.

Kingfisher Creek corridor is the last of 3 large, integrated priority projects identified in the Norman Creek 2012-2031 Master Plan. Council has prepared the Kingfisher Creek corridor concept plan formed by your ideas and feedback. The intent of the concept plan is to build a series of ‘stepping stone’ greenspaces in the heart of Woolloongabba to Kingfisher Creek.

The concept plan sets out Council’s long-term plan and proposed works for the corridor’s future to create connected, vibrant and accessible open spaces that are liveable, resilient, sustainable and provide opportunities for activity, learning and relaxation in these rapidly growing inner-city suburbs.

Download the concept plan:

Download the engagement summary report:

Project summary

AddressWatt Park, Lerna Street, Woolloongabba Rotary Park and Moorhen Flats in Woolloongabba/East Brisbane
Project outcomesDevelop a concept plan for the Kingfisher Creek area
Latest update Release concept plan

About the project

Development of the  concept plan for the Kingfisher Creek corridor was shaped by input and feedback from local community groups, residents, people commuting through the corridor and visitors via 3 community engagement stages from May 2023 – August 2024.

Kingfisher Creek runs primarily underground through Woolloongabba and East Brisbane until it connects with Norman Creek at Moorhen Flats. The Kingfisher Creek corridor concept plan will rejuvenate and revitalise this area to make the area more accessible to everyone.

Project benefits

As outlined in the Norman Creek Master Plan, the Kingfisher Creek concept plan will propose works that aim to:

  • promote a healthy ecosystem for Kingfisher Creek and catchment
  • improve accessibility and diversity of open space areas
  • facilitate active recreation
  • design neighbourhoods that are resilient to Brisbane’s climate, including flooding and drought
  • strengthen community connections to history, place, activities and services within the catchment.
Project area

Woolloongabba and East Brisbane are two of Brisbane’s fastest growing suburbs and are well-known destinations for sporting events, healthcare, research and recreation.

Through investment in transformative projects like Brisbane Metro, the Woolloongabba/East Brisbane precinct will continue undergoing substantial change over the next decade, transforming into a significant transport and cultural hub leading into the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

As a growing precinct for healthcare research, education, technology and innovation, Woolloongabba and East Brisbane will continue to attract businesses and workers seeking high-density housing and quality urban environments featuring liveable and inclusive communities, public spaces and lifestyle options.

Woolloongabba and East Brisbane’s strategic inner-city location, growth potential and evolving roles as cultural, transport and employment hubs will lead to further high-density housing and development.

Arterial roads, limited publicly available open space, and difficulty navigating through the precinct due to lack of signs and wayfinding systems characterise the Kingfisher Creek area and are issues the concept plan will aim to address.

The Kingfisher Creek corridor concept plan focuses on Watt Park, Lerna Street, Woolloongabba Rotary Park, Moorhen Flats and the areas connecting these locations.

Protecting environmental values

Council is protecting and improving the city’s greenspaces to make it easier for you to enjoy Brisbane’s sub-tropical lifestyle.

Brisbane has the richest biodiversity of any city in Australia, with more than one-third natural habitat cover and over 2180 parks.

Brisbane’s wetlands, bushland reserves and natural habitats form an important part of our city’s outdoor lifestyle where residents relax, gather with family and friends and experience nature.

Council prioritises protecting natural habitats and providing outdoor recreation opportunities, and the Kingfisher Creek corridor concept plan will aim to provide residents and visitors with opportunities to get outside and enjoy Brisbane’s outdoor lifestyle while also protecting our natural environment for future generations.

The Kingfisher Creek corridor concept plan will aim to help Council balance between supporting Woolloongabba and East Brisbane as they continue to transform into an inner-city hub while also protecting the natural environment of the creek and providing opportunities for residents and visitors to further appreciate the city’s biodiversity.

Community engagement

Council would like to thank all residents and community groups who provided input, ideas and feedback during the community engagement stages. Your valuable input and local knowledge helped shape the concept plan which sets out Council’s long-term plan for the corridor.

Stage 1 - May-June 2023

Council invited ideas and input from the community on their experience and use of the corridor along with sharing ideas and aspirations for the future of the Kingfisher Creek corridor between 22 May and 11 June 2023 which helped prepare the draft concept plan. The community told us that they value the well-used and loved greenspaces along the corridor and provided ideas to improve active travel safety and connectivity.

See below a summary of the input from the initial stage of engagement:

Moorhen Flats

What would make visiting Moorhen Flats more enjoyable?

  • Lighting and improved sightlines on the bike path. 
  • Leave it be – celebrate the bushland setting so close to the city.
  • Improvements to the interface with the industrial units to make them more presentable.
  • Interpretative signage and more information about the site/plants. 
  • More revegetation and conservation, planting of rare and threatened species.
  • Places to stop, socialise, sit and enjoy Moorhen Flats.
  • Improved links to Aboriginal history.
  • Finding the balance of ecological considerations with amenity and recreation.

What do you value most about Moorhen Flats? 

  • “It is bushland as opposed to cleared open space so is unique in the urban environment”
  • “Moorhen Flats is delightful keep as is”
  • “Slice of bushland in the inner city; green space, birds, fresh air.”
  • “The natural bushland environment.”
  • “Natural aesthetics. One of few parks without stuff (concrete and playgrounds)”
  • “Feel like you are in the bush away from a city”
Woolloongabba Rotary Park

What you value most about Woolloongabba Rotary Park?

  • Green space in proximity to the city.
  • The openness of the park – a place where friends and family can meet.
  • The dog off leash area and its social aspect.
  • Combination of different activities close together.
  • The bike path connection through the park.
  • The basketball half-court.

Key comments from the community

  • “Huge community spot. Coincidentally see friends. Used for so many activities”
  • “A beautiful park with lots of different areas and a good way to sit in nature”
  • “The basketball court is well loved by myself and a large group of regulars”
  • “This playground equipment requires updating”
  • “Wider paths so pedestrians do not have to get off when scooters and bikes use path”
Watt Park

What would make travelling through Watt Park more enjoyable?

  • Many more shade trees and better connection or crossing over Wellington Road.
  • Improve road crossings at each end.
  • Connecting to other parks walking and cycling without going along the road.
  • Make connections at both ends better – make it more obvious that it is connected.
  • Some better landscaping or street art to make it look better.
Connections throughout the corridor

What is the main active travel challenge when travelling between Watt Park, Woolloongabba Rotary Park and Moorhen Flats?

  • Safety (lights), and safe connectivity between Woolloongabba Rotary Park and Logan Road.
  • Being visible and safe crossings; feeling safe and seen.
  • Crossing roads, dangerous corners, illegally parked cars blocking thoroughfares.
  • Lack of pedestrian/cyclists priority over motorists, unsafe road crossings.
  • Linkage – finding the next part of the path.

What would you like Council to consider to improve active travel connectivity between these areas?

  • Safer and continuous connections
  • Wider smoother pathways
  • Separate pathways
  • Lighting
  • Signage
  • Landscaping

Is there anything else you think Council should consider in developing the draft concept plan?

  • “Have space dedicated to First Nations education”
  • “We need more large trees and open space. We don’t need BBQs, gyms and other gadgets.”
  • “Small dog park”
  • “Water based entertainment for dogs, for example small water bays for dogs to enjoy and cool off in”
  • “Strengthen link between 3 parks, visually through landscaping, wayfinding and placemaking interventions”
  • “Ensuring that there is plenty of tree coverage - shade. Lots of plants/gardens/even sculpture”
  • “The basketball court is very well liked and should not be removed or diminished in any way”
  • “Stop vehicles parking informally on grassed area along Lerna Street.”

When preparing the draft concept plan input and ideas from the community and stakeholders were considered along with technical studies and Council requirements.

Stage 2 - September-October 2023 - release of draft concept plan

Council released the Kingfisher Creek corridor draft concept plan for community feedback. Overall, more than 150 people attended the information kiosks at Woolloongabba Rotary Park and over 340 surveys were submitted during the community engagement period between 4 September and 8 October 2023. Community feedback helped inform the preparation of a final concept plan.

See below a summary of the feedback from the second stage of engagement:

Key highlights
  • 72% of survey respondents indicated support for the overall concept plan to rejuvenate and revitalise the corridor (300 participants provided their level of support).
  • The proposed road closures were a common topic of discussion with a range of views and feedback received.
  • Council’s proposal of having separate pathways for pedestrian and cyclists through the corridor was well received.
  • Safety connectivity through traffic calming measures.
  • More detailed investigations on the impact to the local road network.
  • Support for proposals to improve connectivity and safety through the corridor for pedestrians and cyclists.
Watt Park and Woolloongabba Rotary Park
  • Various perspectives on the proposed ideas for allowing more water within the landscape.
  • Support for the proposed multi-use sport courts.
  • Support for dog off-leash areas for small and large dogs.
Moorhen Flats
  • Improved pedestrian and cycle pathways are very important to the broader community.
  • Improved links to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history.

Key comments from the community

‘I live on Norman Street, and I was very happy to see the possible street closure, this will help with the constant flow of traffic making it a safer street.’

‘Keep this bushland and increase its value as an island of special vegetation, creek, and wildlife.’

‘Support the proposal with only further consideration needed for the street closures to understand impacts to surrounding streets and what the revised routes and impacts would be for residents affects.’

‘This draft concept plan is a fantastic initiative by the Council to improve amenity, accessibility, and safety for the Kingfisher Corridor.’

In-person engagement

Council held 4 information kiosks providing the community the opportunity to speak with the project team, view the draft concept plan and provide feedback.

Approximately 150 people attended the kiosks, sharing their views on the draft concept plan.

Common comments from the community at the kiosks included: 

  • Flooding in Woolloongabba Rotary Park
  • Proposed road closures and dog park relocation
  • Project timetable

Key comments from the community

‘I like the park idea but not the road closures.’

‘Can we put a crossing for bikes and walkers in at Turbo Drive and Deshon Street intersection?’

‘Close all roads – why some and not others?’

‘I like the separated bike and walking tracks in Moorhen Flats.’

‘Dog park plan looks good – more shade and lights please.’

Council considered feedback received from both community engagement stages along with undertaking further technical investigations related to the road network in and around the corridor. Before finalising the concept plan, Council undertook additional community engagement regarding a revised local road network proposal to understand community perspectives.

What was the revised local road network proposal?

The revised proposal for the local road network aimed to improve amenity for local residents and road safety and accessibility for all in local streets. The revised proposal included: 

  • Lerna Street reconfigured to be a one-way street West to East
  • Lisburn Steet closure at Hampton Street
  • Norman Street closure with proposed cul-de-sac
  • Longlands Street closure with vehicle turn-around option
  • Withington Street closure.

Stage 2A – August 2024 – supplementary engagement

Council invited feedback from local residents and the broader community on the revised local road network proposal between 5 August and 1 September 2024 via online feedback surveys and onsite information kiosks. Overall, more than 50 people attended the information kiosks at the Kingfisher Park and 224 surveys were submitted, providing feedback on the revised local road network proposal which helped prepare the concept plan. 

See below a summary of the feedback from the supplementary engagement:


The results of both the property owners and community survey showed there was support for the revised local road network proposal. The anecdotal feedback collected at the 2 information kiosks also identified support for the proposal. 

  • 69% of contributors supported the proposal. Some of the reasons for this support were, an expected increase in safety, a reduction in general traffic and stopping ‘rat running’.
  • 27% of contributors did not support the revised local road network. Their reasons included, no longer being able to drive to or from Deshon Street which will increase their travel time to locations such as the PA Hospital and South City Square. The impacts this will have on Stanley and Vulture Streets traffic and that this will divide their community. 
  • 4% of contributors were neither for nor against the revised local road network proposal.

Next steps

The Kingfisher Creek corridor concept plan will guide the corridor’s evolution to be more connected, vibrant and accessible over the coming years. 

The concept plan will now inform further detailed investigations and design activities to progress with implementation options that will be considered subject to budget.

Project timing

April-May 2023Community engagement to seek input and ideas from community about the project area
Late 2023Release draft concept plan for community engagement
Mid-2024Release revised local road network proposal for community engagement
Early 2025Release concept plan
2025Commence detailed design

More information

If you would like to find out more about the project, you can:

  • phone Council on 07 3403 8888 and ask to speak with the Kingfisher Creek corridor concept plan project team
  • email the project team.
Last updated:

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