Greywater audit program

You do not need approval to bucket your greywater onto your garden or attach a hose to your washing machine. However, you must ensure there is no run-off from your property.

Brisbane City Council is required to monitor greywater reuse facilities in sewered areas after installation. This ensures they comply with the conditions of their approval and do not affect public or environmental health.

Service agents who are engaged to maintain greywater reuse facilities must also provide Council with a copy of the any service reports within 10 business days.

Greywater offences and penalties

Council officers investigate complaints about greywater to protect your health, well-being and the environment.

Authorised Council officers can issue on-the-spot fines for greywater offences such as:

  • use of an unapproved greywater system
  • installation performed by a person who is not a licensed plumber
  • plumbing work not approved by Council
  • allowing greywater to pond, cause an odour or run-off the property.

Use greywater responsibility. Follow the approval conditions to avoid fines.

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.