Reducing litter in Brisbane

Brisbane City Council is dedicated to keeping our streets, public spaces and waterways clean and litter-free. 

Find out how you can contribute to a litter-free city, including information about Council's '104 or more' litter initiative, how to borrow a litter clean-up kit, and how to collect eligible containers to participate in the Queensland Government Containers for Change refund scheme.

'104 or more' litter initiative

Council's '104 or more' litter initiative encourages every resident to pick up at least two pieces of litter each week, every week of the year. Your valuable help in picking up litter, combined with Council's litter bins and street cleansing, makes a big difference to keeping Brisbane clean and green.

To find out more about this initiative, phone Council during business hours and ask to speak with a Litter Prevention Officer, or email our Litter team.

Borrow a litter clean-up kit

Council has litter clean-up kits that are available to assist residents pick up litter. From corporate cleans ups to a clean up in a park after a barbecue, the kits are available for residents, schools, sporting clubs, kindergartens, businesses and community groups. The kits include litter pickers, lightweight hand-held bins, and a safety kit. You can borrow them for up to one month. 

Register to borrow a litter clean-up kit

Simple things you can do to help keep Brisbane litter-free

Keeping Brisbane clean, green and litter-free is something we can all do with simple actions. Here are some ways you can help.


Across Brisbane
  • Set a good example by not littering and picking up litter when you see it. By picking up two pieces of litter every week, you can keep 104 or more pieces of litter out of our streets, bushland and waterways each year.
  • Get involved in cleaning your local area by joining an existing community group or organising your own clean-up. Email our Litter team for more advice about holding your own clean-up, or to find out about groups in your area.
  • Carry litter, cigarette butts and chewing gum until you find a bin. There are butt bins attached to most Council litter bins, or you can carry a reusable pocket ashtray.
  • Use street litter and recycling bins for small items only and not for business or household rubbish.
  • Register your business to become a community litter prevention partner and show your commitment to keeping your area litter-free. Email our Litter team to find out more.
  • Get involved in the annual WasteSMART Brisbane Awards. The awards recognise individuals and groups who undertake waste smart activities and practices (including litter clean ups) to create a clean and green Brisbane.
In our parks
  • Take your rubbish home with you rather than leaving it in the park. Litter bins are in most parks to help you dispose of small amounts of rubbish only, not rubbish from events. Leaving bags of rubbish next to park bins is still littering.
  • Pick up after your dog and put the waste in a bin. Council offers bags in many dog parks to help you do this. Council requires pet owners to carry their own bags for waste when in public areas. Find out more on our Keeping a dog page.
Around your home
  • When cleaning your footpath, pick up rubbish instead of using a leaf blower, sweeping or hosing it into the gutters that lead to our stormwater drains.
  • Close wheelie bin lids to avoid waste overflowing and becoming litter. If you need wheelie bin repairs, contact Council.
  • Cover your trailer or ute tray when transporting rubbish or objects that may blow away and become road-side litter.
  • Only place large household items on the kerb for collection during your designated kerbside collection period. Items left on the kerb at other times contribute to untidy streets and is considered to be illegal dumping.
  • Report illegal dumping and littering online or phone Council on 07 3403 8888 anytime.

Community groups and businesses

Be a role model in your community by getting involved in Council's '104 or more' litter initiative and leading positive litter behaviour.

Borrow a litter clean-up kit and host a clean-up activity or event with your club or colleagues.


Schools can borrow a litter clean-up kit with up to 100 litter pickers to undertake a clean-up with their school community. You might like to plan a clean-up event to coincide with the following special days:

  • Clean Up Australia Day - 2 March 2025
  • World Environment Day - 5 June 2025  
  • World Clean Up Day - 20 September 2025.

Find out more about reducing waste in schools.

Thank a litter warrior

When you see someone doing the right thing and helping keep Brisbane litter-free, say 'thanks'. A little bit of encouragement goes a long way.

Containers for Change

The scheme is a litter reduction measure to remove drink containers from the litter waste stream. It has the added benefit of providing a potential revenue source for individuals, groups, charities and community groups.

Find a container refund point near you. Council's resource recovery centres are not container refund points, but can accept containers for recycling. Council will use any refunds collected from containers placed in resource recovery centre recycling bins to offset the cost of providing Brisbane's waste services.

Do not enter private property to source containers or remove containers from wheelie bins on the footpath for kerbside collection.

Litter and the law

Littering and illegal dumping may attract on-the-spot fines, so make sure you dispose of your rubbish responsibly and contribute to a litter-free Brisbane.

Related links

Last updated:
Topics: waste

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