Bins for newly built houses

If you have recently finished building your new residential property, you can order your bins online, including a larger recycling bin. Your new refuse and recycling bins will be delivered to the footpath. Green waste bins are also available at an additional cost.

From Monday 7 November 2011, Brisbane City Council will be issuing red lid bins for your general rubbish. This is in line with the Australian Standard for waste bins. 

Conditions for ordering bins

You must be the owner of the property to order new bins. You can only order your bins if you have:

  • recently finished building the house
  • the rate account number for the new house
  • people living in the house

After you place your online order, Council will charge your rate account for the waste collection service.

Bins will only be delivered to a property where the house number is clearly displayed. 

Your bins will be delivered to the footpath in up to three working days, and they must be moved inside the property boundary as soon as possible.

Before you order a green waste or larger recycling bin, make sure you have room to store the bins and have enough space on the kerbside to put the bins out for collection.

Bin options

General waste
Bin descriptionBin image
Standard domestic 240 litre rubbish bin
Bulk rubbish bin
Size options: 660 litre and 1100 litre
Bulk rubbish bin
Size options: 1m³, 2m³, 3m³, 4.5m³
Bin descriptionBin image
Standard domestic 240 litre recycling bin
Larger domestic 340 litre recycling bin
Bulk recycling bins
Size option: 600 litre, 1100 litre, 3m³
Green waste
Bin descriptionBin image
Standard domestic 240-litre green waste bin

How to order your bins

To get refuse and recycling bins delivered to your newly built house you can: 

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.