Lord Mayor’s COVID-19 Direct Assistance Program

Brisbane City Council is committed to supporting local communities including providing grant programs to help fund local not-for-profit community groups. Every year, Council offers funding through its multiple community grant programs to help develop and improve community facilities and services in Brisbane.
Council provided $3 million in direct financial assistance this financial year to community, cultural, and sport and recreational groups leasing a Council-owned or managed community facility, to help them rebuild and re-commence services to residents after the coronavirus pandemic.
The Lord Mayor’s COVID-19 Direct Assistance Program helped not-for-profit lessees cover the costs of operating expenses incurred during their forced closure. It also helped support leaseholders who were unable to do maintenance works on their buildings due to lack of revenue as a result of the pandemic.
Eligible organisations could apply for funding of up to $10,000 towards operating expenses incurred between 1 January 2020 and 30 June 2020, and future minor maintenance works at Council community leased facilities.
Eligible organisations could apply for up to $10,000 in funding.
Funding round dates
The Program has closed following the full allocation of funding.
Acquittal reports for successful applicants
Successful applicants for minor maintenance projects will be required to complete their project and submit an online acquittal form within 12 months of the approval notification.
Program recipients with overdue acquittal reports are not eligible to apply for further grants.
If you believe your organisation may have an outstanding acquittal report from a project, phone Council on 07 3403 8888 and ask to speak with the Community Grants Unit for advice.
More information
For more information, you can read the Program Guidelines or:
- phone Council on 07 3403 8888
- email the Community Grants Unit.
You can also contact Council via:
- The National Relay Service (including video and Auslan relay), or
- Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 07 3403 8888
- By phoning Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and asking to be connected with Brisbane City Council on 07 3403 8888.