Dog permits

Brisbane City Council regulates the keeping of dogs under the Animals Local Law 2017.
When you need a permit
If you have only one or two dogs, they must be registered with Council but you do not need a permit.
You will need a permit if you intend to keep more than two dogs. Council is unlikely to approve a permit to keep more than four, over the age of three months, unless you are a breeder. All dogs kept under the permit must also be registered with Council.
Council will not normally grant dog permits under the following circumstances:
- the animals live at a property that is not a single detached dwelling (e.g. a unit or townhouse)
- the animals live at a property that is less than 400 square metres
- the keeper is not a breeder and the dogs that make up the permit application have not been desexed
- the dogs have not been microchipped and/or registered with Council
- you were not permitted to hold a similar dog permit from another local government.
Queensland Government law states any person who breeds, sells or gives away dogs must be registered as a breeder on the state-wide breeder register. A dog breeder must provide the supply number that identifies them as a breeder to Council.
How to apply for a permit
Development approval
Depending on your location and activity (e.g. a home based business or animal keeping), you may require development approval. If the keeping of animals is authorised under a development approval issued by Council, you will not require a permit under the Animals Local Law 2017.
Permit application
You are encouraged to apply for a permit before you purchase or otherwise acquire more than two dogs over the age of three months. You can submit an Animal Permit Application online.
Alternatively, complete the animal permit application (PDF - 65kb) form and lodge your hard copy application by:
- mailing the form and cheque payment to:
Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane Qld 4001 - visiting a Council Customer Service Centre.
Your permit application must be accompanied by the following fees:
Fee type | Fee |
Application fee | $344.65 |
Annual permit fee | $204.95 |
Application to amend conditions of permit by permit holder | $344.05 |
The initial application fee also includes the first year's permit fee. Council will refund the annual permit fee for unsuccessful applications.
If required, Council may contact you within 20 working days to arrange an inspection of your property to determine the suitability of approving the permit application.
Registration for dogs
A permit for keeping three or more dogs is separate from registration. You must still register all dogs you own over the age of 12 weeks old.
Permit Renewals
Permit approvals are valid for 12 months. One month prior to the expiry of your permit, Council will send you a renewal notice via mail.
Amendment of permit condition(s)
A permit holder may request Council to amend the conditions of a permit. You can complete the Amendment of Permit Conditions online form if you wish to amend the condition(s) of your animal permit. Please be aware the application must be accompanied with the relevant fee. Amendments do not apply to a change of address. If you have changed address and require a permit, you will need to submit a new permit application.
Permit Surrender
To surrender your permit, complete the licence or permit surrender application online form.
More information
For further information, phone Council's Business Hotline on 133 BNE (133 263).