Bushfire reporting

Overlays are provided in Council’s planning scheme (City Plan 2014) to indicate areas that are subject to a natural hazard such as bushfire, flooding or landslide, a value such as biodiversity or heritage or a constraint such as proximity to high impact industry or an airport.

The bushfire overlay mapping aims to identify high and medium bushfire hazard and buffer areas within the Brisbane City Council Local Government Area. This mapping acts as a trigger for assessment against the Bushfire Overlay Code within City Plan 2014.

The Queensland Government State Planning Policy mapping for Natural Hazards, Risk and Resilience (Bushfire) also identifies Bushfire Prone Areas at a state level.  This mapping acts as a trigger for assessment against the State Planning Policy Assessment Benchmarks.

If your property is identified in the City Plan Bushfire Overlay, or the SPP Bushfire Prone Area and assessable development under the Bushfire Overlay is proposed, a Bushfire Hazard Assessment will be required to assist in demonstrating compliance with the Bushfire Overlay Code. To assist with understanding the technical requirements and acceptable methodologies for Bushfire Hazard Assessment you can download the:

More information

Council offers a pre-assessment of a technical report to assist applicants with the requirements for bushfire reporting, bushfire hazard assessments and bushfire management plans. 

To assist Council in providing quality advice, it is essential to provide the following information:

  • existing site plan
  • proposed development plan
  • bushfire hazard assessment in accordance with the Technical Assessment guide for Bushfire Reporting
  • description and photographs of vegetation within the site and within 100 metres of the site.

For general enquiries about the Bushfire Overlay or Bushfire Management Plans, contact Council.

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.