Installing an aerial, antenna, flagpole, mast or tower

Devices such as aerials, antennae, flagpoles, masts or towers are regulated under the Building Act 1975. Non-load bearing aerials, antennae, flagpoles, masts or towers, outside areas covered by the Airport Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Standards of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, do not require building approval providing:

  • the device is detached from a building or structure and not more than 10 metres above natural ground surface; or
  • the device is attached to a building or structure and is not more than 3.5 metres above the building or structure

Details of the areas covered by the standards are available from Brisbane Airport Corporation.

Any aerial, antenna, flagpole, mast or tower that does not comply with these guidelines will require building approval.

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Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.