Brisbane City Plan 2014 supporting information

Brisbane City Council has developed Brisbane City Plan 2014 (City Plan) supporting information to help you better understand the planning scheme and what it means for development in Brisbane. Information is available online and/or as a downloadable fact sheet.

Supporting information for using City Plan online

  1. Navigating the City Plan online home page (Word - 3.4Mb)
  2. View and compare versions in City Plan online (Word - 664kb)
  3. Registering as a user, viewing proposed amendments and making a submission (Word - 586kb)

Supporting information for residents

  1. Using the City Plan
  2. Overlays 
  3. Residential zones
  4. Houses 
  5. Small-lot houses 
  6. Home-based businesses
  7. Heritage and character buildings 
  8. Subdividing land 
  9. Centre, mixed use and specialised centre zones 
  10. Industry zones 
  11. Flood planning provisions 
  12. Neighbourhood centres 
  13. How to access development assessment information and tools 
  14. Granny flats
  15. Guide to preparing a landscape concept plan
  16. Guide to preparing a rehabilitation plan
  17. Transport planning for development
  18. Building and Construction Management Team
  19. Residential development in suburban zones
  20. Holiday and short-term rentals
  21. How to get planning advice on liquor licence proposals
  22. Heritage exemption certificate to carry out development on a local heritage place
  23. Exemption certificates
  24. Lodging a properly made application
  25. Wildlife movement fencing guidelines (PDF - 654kb) or (Word - 1Mb)
  26. Approvals for repairing, raising, or rebuilding flood-affected houses fact sheet (Word - 786kb)

Supporting information for industry professionals

  1. Guide to the development of dwelling houses (Word - 536kb)
  2. Guide to residential development (Word - 739kb)
  3. Guide to student accommodation (Word - 722kb)
  4. Subdividing land
  5. Guide to industrial development
  6. Guide to centre and mixed use development (Word - 168kb)
  7. Guide to car parking rates for residential development (Word - 133kb)
  8. Guide to the Noise impact assessment planning scheme policy (Word - 2.4Mb)
  9. Guide to the Air quality planning scheme policy (Word - 746kb)
  10. Guide to the Industrial hazard and risk assessment planning scheme policy (Word - 1.5Mb)
  11. Guide to development in the Transport air quality corridor overlay (Word - 1.1Mb)
  12. Frequently asked questions (Word - 145kb)
  13. Frequently asked questions for building certifiers (Word - 202kb)
  14. Guide to understanding residential forms (Word - 3.9Mb)
  15. Construction management plans
  16. Building and Construction Management Team (Word 114kb)
  17. Building and Construction Management Team - Liaison Officers (Word - 119kb)
  18. Facade detail on tall buildings (Word - 963kb)
  19. DesignSMART
  20. New world city design guide: buildings that breathe – living greenery (PDF - 181kb)
  21. Telecommunication fibre-ready infrastructure with new development (PDF - 424.62kb)
  22. Long term infrastructure plans fact sheet (Word - 782kb)
  23. Guide to deep planting fact sheet (Word - 975kb)
  24. Timely Plan Sealing fact sheet (Word - 123kb)
  25. Building back better basements fact sheet (Word - 1Mb)
  26. Refuse requirements for development in Brisbane (Word - 885kb)
  27. Wildlife movement fencing guidelines (PDF - 654kb) or (Word - 1Mb)
  28. Civil engineering works - Pre-start meetings (Word - 292KB)
  29. Civil engineering works - Asset design and construction requirements (Word - 297kb) 
  30. Civil engineering works - Finalising the handover of assets to Council (Word - 294b)
  31. Filling and excavation guideline (Word - 2.2Mb)
  32. Guide for locating small schools (PDF - 173kb)

Interpretation and guidance

  1. 01/17 Dwelling house (small lot) code (Word - 166kb)
  2. 01/19 Footpath dining (Word - 118kb)
  3. 01/20 Basement vs storey and calculating building height in storeys (Word - 421kb)
  4. 01/21 What is generally in accordance (GIA) (Word - 110kb)
  5. 02/21 Practice Note – Determining the construction date of a building (Word – 145kb)
Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.