Council requirements for a well-made application

There are a number of forms, plans, reports and other supporting information that will need to be submitted with a development application. This enables Brisbane City Council officers to complete a compressive assessment of the proposed development. An application is considered well-made if it includes the supporting documents detailed on this page.

The well-made criteria checklist is available to download and lodge with your application:


The general requirements for a well-made application are:

  • completed Development Services online lodgement form
  • Erosion Hazard Assessment form
  • land owner’s consent including:
  • planning reports, which should include statements about how the proposed development addresses Brisbane City Plan 2014 (City Plan) and include the zone code, neighbourhood plan code (if applicable) and any relevant overlays. The statements should also deal with any other planning documents relevant to the application.
  • Identify any proposed fill or excavation (details on location and height of cut/fill and retaining walls – including cross sections). This point would only be applicable for Ithaca Neighbourhood Plan - hillside precinct houses, and all other earthworks would be generally be considered incidental to the Building Work. 
  • Crossover:
    • not to extend into/in front of the adjoining property
    • separated from street trees in accordance with Brisbane Standard Drawings (2.0m), measurements required on plans
    • separated from power pole by 1.0 and street sign 0.5m
  • All required supporting documents – Landscape Concept Plan, Stormwater Management Plan, Traffic Report, etc (as required)


Comprehensive plans are required, including:

  • Floor plans and a full set of elevations
  • Site cover / total Building length (small lots)
  • Significant on site/adjoining vegetation
  • Lawful point of discharge
  • Scale
  • Orientation (North point)
  • Title/Labels and drawing numbers
  • Ground Level (as defined by City Plan) on all elevation and section plans
  • 7.5m and 9.5m lines above Ground Level on all elevation and section plans
  • Relative Level’s in Australian Height Datum on ridges and floor levels
  • Dimensioned setbacks (Outer Most Projection and wall)
  • Location/details of services in verge
  • Location of street trees, light poles, power poles, bus stops, traffic control devices
    • Any easement/encumbrances
    • All materials & finishes to be accurately annotated, where in Traditional Building Character (TBC) overlay 
    • Screening devices on windows, balconies, terraces, roof terraces/decks as required by the City Plan 2014
    • Adjoining front setbacks (measured in metres) of pre-1946 dwellings, where in TBC
    • Carport details (i.e. elevations to determine side treatment to ensure sides remain open to constitute a “carport”) 

Plans are required related to partial demolition:

  • Exiting floor plans plus elevations notating pre-1947 and Post-1946 elements
  • Existing floor plans plus elevations and proposed floor plans plus elevations.  “Bubble” or “Highlight” areas that are proposed for demolition or are being replaced like for like.
  • Site plan showing existing and proposed dwelling setbacks, where shifting of TBC pre-1946 dwelling
  • All existing and proposed materials and finishes to be accurately annotated 


Reporting requirements for a well-made application:

  • Detailed site history, including relevant approvals or compliance action
  • Complete code assessment (against the relevant version of City Plan)
  • Where Performance Outcomes are sought for height/bulk, provide the following in support of justification:
    • Extent of 3 storeys (illustrated on side elevation and/or section plan)
    • Shadow diagrams (proposed v compliant built form)
    • Streetscape montage
Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.