Online learning for community organisations

Since June 2020, Brisbane City Council has partnered with industry professionals such as CPR Group and Brisbane Sustainability Agency to deliver free, online learning sessions (webinars) to support and inform our valued community organisations.

The webinars are live events that are recorded. You can watch them at any time and share them with others in your organisation.

Each session provides key insights and learnings, as well as practical tools, templates and resources.

We hope you watch these resources and implement the learnings in your organisation to help improve your operations, viability and service delivery.

Recorded webinars - for immediate access

Select the link on your chosen topic to view the webinar and additional resources provided.

This table includes a list of pre-recorded webinars and summary information.
Financial management and reactivating your organisationLearn about financial management, what your need to know and how to streamline your processes. This webinar also shares new and efficient strategies to help you reactivate your organisation.
Re-engaging with members and volunteersLearn how to rethink your organisation's customer base, engage in new ways to attract people and effectively nurture members and volunteers to keep them coming back.

Getting the help you need

How to recruit and engage your volunteer workforce

Struggling to find volunteers? Are your current volunteers overworked? Explore strategies to increase your volunteer team and improve your volunteer engagement and retention.

Learn the best ways to find and recruit volunteers, how to keep them happy and tools you can use such as position descriptions.

What makes a great community organisation?

Success stories from organisations that have turned themselves around

2021 showcase - Listen to stories from organisations who are now achieving great success after recovering from hardship and challenging circumstances. Learn what they did and how they adapted to new ways of operating to not only turn themselves around, but thrive and become even more successful.

Grant writing

How to be grant ready and produce a successful application

Become familiar with grant funding opportunities and what it takes to get your application noticed. Learn how to set goals, improve the quality of your applications and seek grants that are best suited to achieving your desired outcomes.

Planning for the future

Turning your organisation into something spectacular through strategic and facility planning

Predict the future of your organisation by creating it. Some of the most successful turn-around stories in organisations started with them planning ahead. This webinar shares how strategic and facility planning can assist you, practical steps to develop useful plans and succession planning techniques to support committee changes.

Good organisational governance

What it means and how to implement it

Good governance is a key component of a thriving organisation.  This webinar uses real life examples to demonstrate what good organisation governance looks like. It explains committee member roles, how to set up good systems and processes, your constitution and ways to help your committee.

Annual General Meetings (AGM)

How to prepare and run a great AGM!

The AGM is your once-a-year opportunity to celebrate your organisation's achievements and share your vision for the next year with members. For volunteers, organising an AGM can be daunting. This webinar provides practical, step-by-step guidance on the entire AGM process including notifying members and important considerations when planning and running an AGM.
Building a flood resilient organisationExperts from JDA Co. Architects and Evolved Construction explain 'flood resilience' and share examples of effective design and building construction techniques you can employ to improve your organisation's ability to cope in a flood or rain event.

Disaster planning

Is your organisation prepared for natural disasters in the future?

Whether it's a flood or another type of disaster, your organisation should be as prepared as possible to deal with severe weather. This webinar shares simple techniques you can implement immediately to ensure your organisation is prepared. Also, learn about Council's flood management plan template and how to complete it.

Tech savvy organisations

Make technology your organisation's best friend

The effective use of technology, online systems and social media can save your volunteers countless hours and help you to effectively manage almost every aspect of your operations including finances, marketing and membership. Discover the proven techniques available and how you can make the best use of them.

The making of great organisations

Success stories from organisations that have turned themselves around.

2022 showcase - Hear stories from organisations who are no achieving great success after recovering from hardship and challenging circumstances. Learn what they did and how they adapted to new ways of operating to not only turn themselves around, but thrive and become even more successful.

More information

For more information about Council's online learning to support our community organisations, phone 07 3403 8888.

Related information

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.