Windsor Community Centre

Brisbane City Council is creating more to see and do by delivering a new accessible community centre at 57 Grafton Street, Windsor.

The Windsor Community Centre is a single-storey, purpose-built building that caters to a variety of community activities. The centre connects to existing community facilities like the Brisbane Institute of Art and Windsor Park to continue to support the Windsor community. 

Project summary

This table includes project summary information for the Windsor Local Community Centre project, Windsor.
AddressGrafton Street, Windsor
Project outcomesDeliver a community centre to improve liveability and connect communities in Windsor and its surrounding areas.
Latest updateConstruction complete

About the project

With its projected population growth, accessible location and the emerging need for a local community facility, Windsor Park in the suburb of Windsor is the ideal location for this new local community centre. Windsor Park is a valuable community space and home to a range of sporting, recreation and community activities.

The building is flood resilient, improving long-term resilience for future users.

The community centre has been designed for a diverse range of community activities and includes:

  • a large multi-purpose community room which can be configured to suit various user groups and activities
  • multi-purpose meeting rooms
  • a kitchen
  • an office and storage spaces
  • accessible amenities

The new community centre design incorporates the established fig tree, located in the middle of the site. The deck has been designed to wrap around the fig tree, preserving the tree, providing shade and creating an appealing view for centre users.

A car park of 19 parking bays was constructed as part of the project and include a loading bay and an accessible parking space. The new car park will connect to the Brisbane Institute of Art.

More information

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Topics: windsor

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