Public art is an expression of our city's culture and creativity. Brisbane City Council has an extensive public art collection of approximately 200 artworks, ranging from large-scale, contemporary sculpture to integrated bespoke elements located throughout the city and surrounding suburbs. Council also supports a dynamic visual art program of exhibitions, events and projections.

Use this page to find out about public art and urban design initiatives, projects and walking trails.

Council is preparing a submission for funding under the SEQ City Deal Public Art Initiative. The first of 3 projects is a large scale, stand-alone major permanent artwork for inner-city Brisbane. 

Expressions of interest for project one closed on Friday 21 March. Learn more about the artist shortlisting process.

Steam artwork Contemporary Art and Architecture Public Art Trail

Public art trails

Outdoor Gallery

Brisbane street art, including Artforce


Creative placemaking outcomes in Village Precinct Projects

The Platform - Brisbane Botanic Gardens

Creative lighting

Nurri Millen Totem Trail, Boondall Wetlands

Brisbane's River Art Framework

Public art collection dataset

Creative Brisbane

Council wants Brisbane to become a vibrant, prosperous, creative and liveable city where cultural diversity is celebrated and Brisbane's creative industries and economy thrive. Find out more about Creative Brisbane, including vision, funding, opportunities and more.

Creative opportunities

Expressions of interest – Major public artwork

Council has recently sought Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from suitably qualified and experienced South East Queensland artists or artist team to deliver a major public artwork. This opportunity is the first of 3 projects that will form part of Council’s application in The South East Queensland City Deal Public Art Initiative, and is subject to final approval.

EOIs for project one closed on Friday 21 March 2025.

About the initiative

The South East Queensland City Deal Public Art Initiative (the Initiative) is a grant program funded by the Australian Government and led by the Queensland Government in collaboration with local governments.

The initiative is focused on delivering public art projects that activate places and improve the built environment.

The initiative aims to enhance place-making and to promote a more liveable South East Queensland through the installation and delivery of artwork.

The initiative objectives are to:

  • enhance visitor experiences and aesthetics in the built environment
  • contribute to Brisbane’s identity
  • highlight cultural heritage
  • encourage cultural tourism
  • provide employment opportunities for artists, including for professional development
  • provide local employment opportunities for First Nations peoples and procurement through Indigenous-owned businesses.
Artwork opportunity

The first opportunity is to design and deliver a large scale, stand-alone major permanent artwork for inner-city Brisbane. The total artwork budget is $1 million (ex GST). The artwork design will be conceptually guided by the City Deal Public Art Initiative Objectives and an Artwork Brief.

The $1 million budget (ex GST) will cover artist fees, as well as all expenses related to the design, documentation, fabrication, and installation of the artwork. This budget will also include fees for any collaborators, sub-contractors, insurances and workplace health and safety involved in the delivery of the artwork.

EOI process and criteria

Stage 1: EOI and artist shortlisting

EOIs closed on Friday 21 March 2025.

EOI submissions will now be assessed by a selection panel, and 3 shortlisted artists or artist teams will be invited to develop concept designs in response to an artwork brief. Artists will be notified of the selection process outcome.

Assessment criteria:

The Selection Panel will assess EOIs against the following criteria:

  • calibre of artistic practice
  • artist statement in response to the following objectives of the City Deal Public Art Initiatives
  • artists connection to South East Queensland and/or South East Queensland First Nations culture
  • capacity to deliver significant public art projects.

Stage 2: Concept design proposals

3 artists or artist teams, shortlisted from the EOIs, will be provided a detailed artwork brief and be engaged to develop a concept design proposal for a fee of $10,000 (excluding GST).

The concept design proposal will need to include artistic rationale, visualisations, material specifications, dimensions, maintenance considerations, a preliminary program and a cost plan detailing all costs associated with the development, fabrication, and installation of the concept artwork.

The successful concept design will be submitted to SEQ City Deal as part of Councils application process in May 2025. Council is expected to be notified of the grant assessment outcome in August 2025.

The following table outlines the stages of the overall program (dates are indicative and subject to change):

Stage 1: EOI and artist shortlistingFebruary - March 2025
Stage 2: Concept designsMarch - May 2025
Stage 3: City Deals Grant application processMay - August 2025
Stage 4: Artwork commissionSeptember 2025 - March 2027
Terms and conditions

By lodging a submission, you agree to the following EOI conditions:

  1. Definitions
    In this expression of interest:
    1. “Expression of interest” or “EOI” means this document and any attachments.
    2. “Proponent” means you or another entity that lodges a submission.
    3. “Submission” means a submission made in accordance with this EOI.
    4. “You” means the person, partnership or any other body (whether corporate or otherwise) who lodges a submission in accordance with this EOI.
  2. Two stage process and rights reserved
    1. This EOI is part of a two stage procurement process. It is anticipated that during:
      1. stage 1 this EOI is issued to the market; then
      2. stage 2 a request for proposal (RFP) is issued to a shortlist of proponents (decided by Council) from Stage 1.
    2. Despite 2.1, Council reserves the right to:
      1. issue the stage 2 RFP to all proponents from stage 1 or issue the RFP publicly;
      2. utilise a process during stage 2 which is not an RFP; or
      3. negotiate directly with one or more proponents from stage 1 without issuing a RFP.
  3. Prior to the submission deadline
    1. Clarification prior to submission deadline
      If you wish to seek clarification regarding this EOI, you must do so:
      1. prior to the submission deadline; and
      2. only by email to the Council contact officer.
    2. Variation to the EOI
      Council may vary or amend this EOI at any time before or after the submission deadline.
  4. Your submission
    Your submission must comply with the requirements of this EOI.
  5. Evaluation of submissions
    1. Communication in relation this EOI process
      Any communications from you about this EOI must be by email to the Council contact officer.
    2. Clarification of EOIs
      You must provide any additional information as and when requested by Council to clarify your submission.
    3. Enquiries of referees and others
      Council may make enquiries of any person, company or organisation, without advising you, to:
      1. verify any information provided in your submission; or
      2. to ascertain the suitability of you or your submission.
    4. Shortlisting, negotiation, evaluation and selection
      1. At any time during the evaluation process (and on one or more occasions), Council may:
        1. shortlist one or more proponents and in so doing exclude the remaining proponents from further consideration; and/or
        2. negotiate with one proponent, all proponents or a shortlist of proponents.
      2. Council may evaluate submissions on any criteria that Council considers appropriate, including but not limited those criteria listed in this EOI.
      3. Should Council select a submission(s), Council will select the submission(s) which Council considers to be most advantageous for Council.
  6. General conditions
    1. Costs to be borne by you
      You must bear all of the costs you incur by participating in this EOI, irrespective of whether:
      1. your submission is successful, unsuccessful or excluded as non-conforming; or
      2. the EOI process (or any subsequent process) is suspended, terminated or abandoned.
    2. Non-conforming submission/proponent
      A submission or proponent which does not comply with the requirements of this EOI may be classified by Council as ‘non-conforming’ and may be excluded by Council from further consideration. 
    3. Collusion
      You must not collude with any other proponent or prospective proponent (during the preparation or evaluation of your submission). 
    4. Your conduct
      You must not:
      1. offer any bribe, gratuity, bonus, discount of any sort of enticement to any Councillor or employee of Council; or
      2. discuss the EOI, your submission or Council’s evaluation with any Councillor or employee of Council (with the exception of the Council contact officer and any officer(s) nominated by the Council contact officer).
    5. No obligation to enter into a contract
      By issuing this EOI, Council is under no obligation (whether equitable or legal) to proceed either in whole or in part with the procurement to which the EOI relates. Council is not committed contractually or in any way to any person who may receive the EOI or lodge a submission.
    6. Media liaison
      You must not communicate with the media about any aspect of this EOI.
    7. Council discretion
      Any decision, choice, election or finding made by Council during this EOI process, will be made by Council in its sole and absolute discretion.
    8. Suspension or termination of EOI
      Council may vary, suspend, terminate or abandon this EOI process (and any subsequent RFP/other process) at any time, before or after the submission deadline.

For any enquiries, email

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