Bus and transit lanes

Bus lanes:
- are for buses, taxis, bicycles, emergency and essential service vehicles
- can be used by buses and taxis to drop off or pick up passengers
- can't be used for stopping or parking by any other vehicle during operating hours
Transit lanes:
- are for buses, taxis, motorcycles, bicycles, emergency and essential service vehicles
- can be used by buses or taxis to drop off or pick up passengers
- can't be used for stopping or parking by any other vehicle during operating times. Other vehicles may travel in a transit lane if they comply with the transit lanes conditions
Transit lane signage
![]() | T2 transit lane: vehicles can travel in a T2 transit lane if they are carrying at least two people, including the driver. Some T2 lanes only operate during certain times. These signs will display the times of operation. |
![]() | T3 transit lane: vehicles can travel in a T3 transit lane if they are carrying at least three people, including the driver. Some T3 lanes only operate during certain times. These signs will display the times of operation. |