Commercial vehicle loading zone

Commercial loading zones are used around Brisbane where a high number of businesses are located, but street parking is limited. These areas allow businesses and commercial operators to load or unload goods at a location close to their business. You can use a 'commercial loading zone' for up to 20 minutes without a permit, if you are:
- driving a commercial vehicle that is loading or unloading goods
- a commercial vehicle is one constructed, fitted or equipped for the carriage of goods (e.g. a ute - including dual cab or truck)
- a passenger vehicle becomes a commercial vehicle if the back seats and seat belts have been removed. It is irrelevant what the vehicle is registered as with the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
If you are driving a taxi or limousine, you can use a loading zone to pick-up or drop-off passengers only. You must not park in these spaces.
Other types of vehicles may not use commercial vehicle loading zones unless they obtain a commercial vehicle permit.
Commercial vehicle loading zone locations
This map is an indicative guide of commercial vehicle loading zone locations in and near Brisbane’s Central Business District. Ensure you follow the parking signs at all times.
Alternatively, you can view this map in Council's Google Maps account.
To help Brisbane motorists easily identify where commercial vehicle loading zones are located, Brisbane City Council has installed high visibility loading zone signage at high use locations. Council is progressively rolling out similar signage to other high use locations across Brisbane.