Two minute passenger zone

Passenger set down and pick up zones are available in Brisbane City. The locations of these zones can change over time. Check local signs to make sure you do not park illegally.
These zones allow passengers to be dropped off or picked up without affecting traffic flows.
If you park for longer than two minutes in these zones (even if you remain in your car), you can be fined. Make sure you only use these spaces to pick up or drop off.
Download for more information on the safe set down and pick up of passengers:
- Using passenger loading zones in Brisbane (PDF – 381Kb)
- Using passenger loading zones in Brisbane (Word – 1.8Mb)
Passenger loading zone locations
This map is an indicative guide of passenger loading zone locations in and near Brisbane’s Central Business District. Ensure you follow the parking signs at all times.
Alternatively, you can view this map in Council's Google Maps account.
To help Brisbane motorists easily identify where passenger loading zones are located, Brisbane City Council has installed high visibility loading zone signage at high use locations. Council is progressively rolling out similar signage to other high use locations across Brisbane.