Brisbane’s Smarter Suburban Corridors

Brisbane City Council recently hosted an industry briefing in preparation to call for Expressions of Interest for Brisbane’s new transport management system next year.
About Brisbane City Council
Brisbane is one of Australia’s fastest-growing cities, currently home to 1.3 million residents and 820,000 workers.
As the host of the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, we are committed to delivering city-shaping projects that help keep Brisbane moving.
Our city’s rapid growth is both a challenge and an opportunity and we are exploring more opportunities to help people get home sooner and safer.
With a focus on innovative infrastructure and smart technologies, upgrading the system that controls traffic signals can improve travel times and deliver the safety improvements our growing city needs.
You can learn more about Brisbane City Council by reading our Brisbane Vision 2031, our Traffic and Transport initiatives, and our current Traffic Management system.
As Australia’s largest local government, we are in a unique position to be a leader in transport and our Smarter Suburban Corridors project will mean Brisbane residents spend less time sitting in traffic and more time doing what they love.
About the project
Brisbane’s Smarter Suburban Corridors project will upgrade our existing transport management system to embrace new and emerging technologies.
Our goal is to become a global leader in transport technology to help keep our growing city moving.
With a focus on reliable travel times, the project will take advantage of new and emerging technologies to enhance Brisbane’s transport network and prioritise faster and safer journeys for all road user, including public transport, on key road corridors.
Project objectives
Improved travel times by optimising key corridors to prioritise efficient movements for all road users.
Improved reliability through consistency and predictability of travel times for all vehicles on key corridors.
Improved safety by developing data-driven intervention and improvement strategies.
Industry briefing
We hosted an informal market sounding briefing in early November 2024 as the next step in Brisbane’s Smarter Suburban Corridors project.
The purpose of this briefing was to provide an update on the project and the planned procurement process. Procurement will start with a formal Expression of Interest through Council's procurement portal, where shortlisted suppliers will then be invited to take part in the Request for Proposal.
What’s next?
We are planning a formal open-market Expression of Interest as the first stage of a multi-stage procurement process.
Potential suppliers will need to pre-register through our procurement portal to respond to the Expression of Interest. Visit the upcoming tender page on our corporate website for further details of the procurement activities as they become available.
General public
Are you a member of public interested in this project? This industry briefing is intended for potential suppliers, however you can stay informed by subscribing to receive project updates via our online form.
More information
If you would like to find out more about the project, you can:
- call the project team on +61 7 3178 5413 (8.30am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday)
- call Council’s Contact Centre on +61 7 3403 8888 (24 hours, 7 days)
- email smartercorridors@brisbane.qld.gov.au.