Brisbane bus evacuation
Transport for Brisbane operates a fleet of more than 1200 buses across the city. The safety of our passengers, bus operators and fleet is our highest priority.
Bus evacuation demonstration
Watch the video below for a short demonstration of the emergency exit features available on Brisbane City Council buses. Find out how to use them in the unlikely event that your bus operator is unable to assist.
Alternatively, you can watch this video on Council's YouTube channel.
Bus emergency exits

Council buses have three types of emergency exit locations:
- service doors - shown in green
- emergency exit windows - shown in blue
- emergency exit hatches - shown in orange.
Emergency exit locations

Rear service doors
Look for the 'emergency door release button' located above the rear door on all buses. If necessary, stand on a nearby seat or step to access the button. Press the button to release the doors.
Signs on the rear doors will show you how to open them. Door movement is not always intuitive. Follow the directions.

Front service doors
The location of the front door 'emergency door release button' varies depending on the bus model you are on. It will be located above the front door or on the right hand side panel adjacent to the front door (knee level). If necessary, stand on a nearby seat or step to access the button. Press the button to release the doors.
Signs on the front door will show you how to open them. Door movement is not always intuitive. Follow the directions.

Emergency exit windows
All buses are fitted with emergency exit windows, identifiable by an illuminated 'emergency exit' sticker and 'break-glass' hammer. To use an emergency exit window, remove the hammer and hit the glass with the metal point. The window will shatter. Run the hammer around the edge of the window base to remove any excess glass or cover the window base if glass shards are present.

Roof hatch emergency exit
The roof hatch is not for use when the bus is upright. Use the service door and window exits if the bus is standing upright.
To open the hatch if the bus is on its side, follow the directions on the roof hatch.
External emergency door release buttons
Transport for Brisbane buses have two 'emergency door release buttons' on the outside of the bus. These allow manual opening of the doors in the event of an emergency.