Two school children in uniform riding bikes to school

The Active School Travel (AST) program offers Brisbane primary schools a suite of free resources, tools and incentives to enable students, parents, carers and teachers to leave the car at home and actively travel to school. It’s all about creating healthier, more active students and families, increasing road safety awareness, safer streets and continuing to tackle traffic congestion.

The award-winning three-year program promotes road safety and sustainable and healthy travel options such as walking, riding, scootering, carpooling and public transport.

Applications to join the AST program in 2025 open on Monday 8 July. Check out our Join AST page now to learn how to apply.

The AST program aligns with Council’s Transport Plan for Brisbane – Strategic Directions to develop and implement targeted travel behaviour change programs.

Find what you need

Join the AST program in 2025

Could your school benefit from joining Council’s free Active School Travel program? Apply now.

What schools receive

Participating schools receive access to a range of exciting and valuable resources tailored to meet their specific needs.

Program testimonials

Read testimonials about how the program has positively influenced students with benefits for the school, community and families.

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