Blunder Road and Wallaroo Way intersection upgrade - Doolandella

We are upgrading the Blunder Road and Wallaroo Way intersection at Doolandella to improve safety for people walking, driving and riding through the area. 

AddressBlunder Road and Wallaroo Way, Doolandella
WardForest Lake
Project outcomesImprove safety for all road users
Latest update

Start of construction. Download the:

About the project

The intersection of Blunder Road and Wallaroo Way is currently unsignalised and operates with a give way sign on Wallaroo Way. We are installing traffic lights at this intersection with pedestrian crossing facilities to improve safety for road users, enhance the overall operation of the intersection and improve connectivity for people walking and riding.

This project is jointly funded by the Australian Government’s Road to Recovery program and Brisbane City Council.

The project features include:

  • installing new traffic lights at the intersection with controlled pedestrian crossing facilities
  • providing U-turn facilities at the new traffic lights for road users, traveling north and south on Blunder Road
  • signalising the left turn slip lane from Wallaroo Way onto Blunder Road
  • constructing a new traffic island with pram ramps at the left-turn slip lane on Wallaroo Way
  • constructing new sections of footpath on the western and eastern sides of Blunder Road, south of the intersection
  • constructing a new shared path from the intersection to Peacock Street within the eastern verge of Blunder Road
  • installing new road signage, asphalt, line marking and landscaping.

Project benefits

  • Improve the overall operation of the intersection.
  • Improve safety for all road users.
  • Improve pedestrian access to public and active transport users.

Project timing

  • Start of construction – mid-March 2024
  • End of construction – October 2024

More information

If you would like to find out more about the project, you can:

  • project team on 3178 5413 (during business hours, 8.30am-4.30pm)
  • phone Council on 07 3403 8888 (24 hours)
  • register for project updates
  • email the project team 
  • write to:
    Blunder Road and Wallaroo Way intersection upgrade
    Brisbane City Council
    GPO Box 1434
    Brisbane QLD 4001.
Last updated:

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