Kittyhawk Avenue and Inala Avenue black spot project

We are pleased to announce that works to upgrade the Kittyhawk Avenue and Inala Avenue intersection in Inala have now been completed.


AddressKittyhawk Avenue and Inala Avenue black spot project - Inala
WardForest Lake
Project outcomesImproved safety for all road users
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End of construction

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About the project

Brisbane City Council has upgraded the Kittyhawk Avenue and Inala Avenue intersection in Inala, as part of the Australian Government’s 2023-24 Black Spot Program.

The Black Spot Program is part of the National Road Safety Strategy, which aims to improve road safety by implementing upgrade measures at each black spot location to reduce the risk of crashes.

The Kittyhawk Avenue and Inala Avenue intersection was identified as a location requiring safety improvements with 10 reported accidents at the intersection between 2016 and 2023, seven of which involved motorists turning right into or out of Kittyhawk Avenue colliding with vehicles travelling through the intersection on Inala Avenue.

This project was fully funded by the Australian Government as part of the 2023 – 2024 Black Spot Program.

Project benefits

  • Installation of new traffic lights to improve safety for all road users and enhance intersection operation.
  • Dedicated crossing facilties to enhance access and connectivitiy for people walking and riding. 

Project details

Below is a list of the summary of works undertaken as part of the project.

  • New traffic lights have been installed at the intersection to control all vehicle movements.
  • The right-turn pocket on Inala Avenue was extended to increase capacity for vehicles turning right into Kittyhawk Avenue.
  • Columbine Street at Inala Avenue has been closed to vehicles to improve safety due to its close proximity to the new traffic lights.
  • To improve connectivity and safety for people walking and riding, signsalised crossings have been installed and sections of footpath upgraded.
  • New road surface was introduced to the project scope to ensure smoother and safer travel through the interesction for all road users.

Project timing

  • Project introduction – late October 2023.
  • Start of construction – late November 2023.
  • End of construction – late June 2024.

More Information

To learn more about the Kittyhawk Avenue and Inala Avenue black spot project, you can:

  • phone the project team on 3178 5413 (during business hours, 8.30am-4.30pm)
  • phone Council on 07 3403 8888 (outside business hours)
  • email
  • write to:
    Kittyhawk Avenue and Inala Avenue black spot project
    City Projects
    Brisbane City Council
    GPO Box 1434
    Brisbane Qld 4001.
Last updated:

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