Wynnum Road and Hemmant-Tingalpa Road intersection upgrade
We are commencing works to upgrade the Wynnum Road and Hemmant-Tingalpa Road intersection upgrade, at Tingalpa.
Address | Wynnum Road and Hemmant-Tingalpa Road intersection, Tingalpa |
Ward | Doboy |
Project outcome | Increase safety for all road users, enhance connectivity for people walking and riding and improve intersection operation. |
Latest news | Start of construction Download the latest newsletter and project plan. |
Latest update
Early works on the Wynnum Road and Hemmant-Tingalpa Road intersection upgrade commenced in February 2025 and are progressing well. Brisbane City Council will commence main civil works from 3 March 2025, which will include upgrading the stormwater infrastructure along Hemmant-Tingalpa Road. Construction is anticipated to be complete by mid-2026, weather and site conditions permitting.
About the project
The Wynnum Road and Hemmant-Tingalpa Road intersection is currently an unsignalised intersection and operates with a give way sign on Hemmant-Tingalpa Road, giving priority to motorists travelling along Wynnum Road.
Between 2016 and 2023, this intersection recorded 10 crashes, 9 of which resulted in medical treatment or hospitalisation. High traffic volumes and extended wait times experienced at the intersection contribute to motorists misjudging safe gaps in traffic when turning into and out of Hemmant-Tingalpa Road.
To address safety concerns and improve travel time reliability, we are upgrading the intersection by installing traffic signals to control all movements at the intersection. To improve accessibility and connectivity for people walking and riding, we will also be installing signalised pedestrian crossings and new footpaths. These changes will improve the overall operation of the intersection, making it safer and easier for all road users.
This upgrade is jointly funded by the Australian Government as part of the Roads to Recovery Program and Brisbane City Council.
Project features and benefits
Below are the features to be included as part of this project.
- Installing new traffic lights with signalised crossing facilities, to fully control all movements through the intersection and improve safety for all road users.
- Modifying the centre traffic islands on Wynnum Road and constructing dedicated turn pockets on all approaches to the intersection to separate turning vehicles from through traffic.
- Installing a new path along Hemmant-Tingalpa Road to improve connectivity for people walking and riding.
- Installing dedicated signalised U-turn pockets for vehicles travelling in both directions along Wynnum Road.
- Upgrading footpaths and kerb ramps to enhance accessibility and connectivity for people walking and riding.
The intersection upgrade will:
- improve safety for all road users
- improve intersection operation
- improve connectivity for people walking and riding
- improve travel time reliability.
Works to upgrade the intersection will commence in March 2025 and are expected to be complete by mid-2026, weather and site conditions permitting. Initial works will focus on the relocation of stormwater infrastructure along Hemmant-Tingalpa Road.
To reduce impact to the high traffic volumes on Wynnum Road and for the safety of workers and the community, construction will be undertaken at night between 7pm and 5am, Sunday to Thursday.
Every effort will be made to complete particularly noisy works prior to 11pm, where possible. Council will provide advance notification of any particularly impactful works required throughout construction.
What to expect during construction
During the works, residents and road users may at times experience:
- increased noise, truck movements, low level vibration and dust
- light from mobile light towers and flashing vehicle lights
- changes in traffic conditions, including minor traffic delays, reduced speed limits and temporary lane closures.
Traffic management and signage will be onsite to direct people walking, riding and driving through the area. Council will continue to monitor traffic and construction conditions throughout the project and make adjustments where required.
Council is committed to keeping the local community informed and will provide more information during construction. We value your patience and cooperation while we complete these important works.
Site compound
A temporary site compound has been established in Torquay Crescent Park near Hemmant-Tingalpa Road. This compound will be used to store construction equipment and materials throughout the works.
Project timing
- Project introduction – late 2023
- Detailed design – late 2024
- Early works – early 2025
- Start of construction – mid-2025
Project documents
- Detailed design newsletter - Wynnum Road and Hemmant-Tingalpa Road intersection upgrade (PDF - 2.4Mb)
- Detailed design project plan - Wynnum Road and Hemmant-Tingalpa Road intersection upgrade (PDF 4.4Mb)
- Concept plan - Wynnum Road and Hemmant-Tingalpa Road intersection upgrade (PDF - 2.07MB)
- Concept newsletter - Wynnum Road and Hemmant-Tingalpa Road intersection upgrade (PDF - 2.08MB)
Past community engagement
Brisbane City Council released a concept design in late 2023 and invited the community to have their say by reviewing the design and providing feedback.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. Feedback received from the community was considered as part of finalising the detailed design.
Register for updates
If you would like to keep up to date about the Wynnum Road and Hemmant-Tingalpa Road intersection upgrade, you can register via the online contact form. Alternatively, you can phone or email the project team on the information below.
More Information
To learn more about the proposed Wynnum Road and Hemmant-Tingalpa Road intersection upgrade you can:
- phone the project team on 3178 5413 (8.30am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday)
- phone Council on 07 3403 8888 (24 hours, 7 days)
- email the project team
- use the online contact form to register for future project updates
- write to:
Wynnum Road and Hemmant-Tingalpa Road intersection upgrade
Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane QLD 4001